Satellite Statistics

Data Collection Framework (DCF) implementation on Satellite module. More...


class  ns3::SatStatsAntennaGainHelper
 Base class for antenna gain statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsBackloggedRequestHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsBeamServiceTimeHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsCapacityRequestHelper
 Produce capacity request statistics of Random Access Slotted ALOHA from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsCarrierIdHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsCompositeSinrHelper
 Abstract class inherited by SatStatsFwdCompositeSinrHelper and SatStatsRtnCompositeSinrHelper. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsDelayHelper
 Base class for delay statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFeederCrdsaPacketCollisionHelper
 Produce packet collision statistics of Random Access CRDSA from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFeederCrdsaPacketErrorHelper
 Produce packet error statistics of Random Access CRDSA on feeder link from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFeederEssaPacketCollisionHelper
 Produce packet collision statistics of Random Access E-SSA from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFeederEssaPacketErrorHelper
 Produce packet error statistics of Random Access E-SSA on feeder link from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFeederPacketCollisionHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsFeederSlottedAlohaPacketCollisionHelper
 Produce packet collision statistics of Random Access Slotted ALOHA from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFeederSlottedAlohaPacketErrorHelper
 Produce packet error statistics of Random Access Slotted ALOHA on feeder link from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFrameLoadHelper
 Helper for frame load statistics. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFrameSymbolLoadHelper
 Helper for frame symbol load statistics. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFrameTypeUsageHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsFrameUserLoadHelper
 Helper for frame user load statistics. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdAppDelayHelper
 Produce forward link application-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdAppThroughputHelper
 Produce forward link application-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdCompositeSinrHelper
 Produce forward link composite SINR statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdDevDelayHelper
 Produce forward link device-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederDaPacketErrorHelper
 Produce packet error statistics of Dedicated Access in forward feeder link from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederDevLinkDelayHelper
 Produce forward feeder link DEV-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederDevLinkJitterHelper
 Produce forward feeder link DEV-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederDevThroughputHelper
 Produce forward feeder link device-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederLinkModcodHelper
 Produce forward feeder link modcod statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederLinkRxPowerHelper
 Produce forward feeder link RX power statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederLinkSinrHelper
 Produce forward feeder link SINR statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederMacLinkDelayHelper
 Produce forward feeder link MAC-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederMacLinkJitterHelper
 Produce forward feeder link MAC-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederMacThroughputHelper
 Produce forward feeder link MAC-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederPhyLinkDelayHelper
 Produce forward feeder link PHY-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederPhyLinkJitterHelper
 Produce forward feeder link PHY-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdFeederPhyThroughputHelper
 Produce forward feeder link PHY-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdLinkSchedulerSymbolRateHelper
 Helper for forward link scheduler symbol rate statistic. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdMacDelayHelper
 Produce forward link MAC-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdPhyDelayHelper
 Produce forward link PHY-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdQueueBytesHelper
 Helper for forward link queue statistics using byte as unit. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdQueueHelper
 Helper for forward link queue statistics. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdQueuePacketsHelper
 Helper for forward link queue statistics using packet as unit. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdSignallingLoadHelper
 Produce forward link signalling load statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserDaPacketErrorHelper
 Produce packet error statistics of Dedicated Access in forward user link from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserDevLinkDelayHelper
 Produce forward user link DEV-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserDevLinkJitterHelper
 Produce forward user link DEV-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserDevThroughputHelper
 Produce forward user link device-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserLinkModcodHelper
 Produce forward user link modcod statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserLinkRxPowerHelper
 Produce forward user link RX power statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserLinkSinrHelper
 Produce forward user link SINR statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserMacLinkDelayHelper
 Produce forward user link MAC-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserMacLinkJitterHelper
 Produce forward user link MAC-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserMacThroughputHelper
 Produce forward user link MAC-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserPhyLinkDelayHelper
 Produce forward user link PHY-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserPhyLinkJitterHelper
 Produce forward user link PHY-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserPhyThroughputHelper
 Produce forward user link PHY-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserQueueBytesHelper
 Produce queue size statistics in packets for return feeder link. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsFwdUserQueuePacketsHelper
 Produce queue size statistics in packets for return feeder link. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsHelper
 Parent abstract class of all satellite statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsHelperContainer
 Container of SatStatsHelper instances. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsJitterHelper
 Base class for jitter statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsLinkDelayHelper
 Base class for delay statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsLinkJitterHelper
 Base class for jitter statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsLinkModcodHelper
 Base class for MODCOD statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsLinkRxPowerHelper
 Base class for link RX power statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsLinkSinrHelper
 Base class for link SINR statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsMarsalaCorrelationHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsPacketCollisionHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsPacketDropRateHelper
 Base class for antenna gain statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsPacketErrorHelper
 Base class for packet error statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsPltHelper
 Base class for PLT statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsQueueHelper
 Helper for queue statistics. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRbdcRequestHelper
 Base class for RBDC requests statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsResourcesGrantedHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnAppDelayHelper
 Produce return link application-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnAppThroughputHelper
 Produce return link application-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnCompositeSinrHelper
 Produce return link composite SINR statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnDevDelayHelper
 Produce return link device-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederDaPacketErrorHelper
 Produce packet error statistics of Dedicated Access in return feeder link from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederDevLinkDelayHelper
 Produce return feeder link DEV-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederDevLinkJitterHelper
 Produce return feeder link DEV-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederDevThroughputHelper
 Produce return feeder link device-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederLinkModcodHelper
 Produce return feeder link modcod statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederLinkRxPowerHelper
 Produce return feeder link RX power statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederLinkSinrHelper
 Produce return feeder link SINR statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederMacLinkDelayHelper
 Produce return feeder link MAC-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederMacLinkJitterHelper
 Produce return feeder link MAC-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederMacThroughputHelper
 Produce return feeder link MAC-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederPhyLinkDelayHelper
 Produce return feeder link PHY-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederPhyLinkJitterHelper
 Produce return feeder link PHY-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederPhyThroughputHelper
 Produce return feeder link PHY-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederQueueBytesHelper
 Produce queue size statistics in packets for return feeder link. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederQueuePacketsHelper
 Produce queue size statistics in packets for return feeder link. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnFeederWindowLoadHelper
 Produce return feeder window load statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnMacDelayHelper
 Produce return link MAC-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnPhyDelayHelper
 Produce return link PHY-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnQueueBytesHelper
 Helper for return link queue statistics using byte as unit. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnQueueHelper
 Helper for return link queue statistics. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnQueuePacketsHelper
 Helper for return link queue statistics using packet as unit. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnSignallingLoadHelper
 Produce return link signalling load statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserDaPacketErrorHelper
 Produce packet error statistics of Dedicated Access in return user link from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserDevLinkDelayHelper
 Produce return user link DEV-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserDevLinkJitterHelper
 Produce return user link DEV-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserDevThroughputHelper
 Produce return user link device-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserLinkModcodHelper
 Produce return user link modcod statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserLinkRxPowerHelper
 Produce return user link RX power statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserLinkSinrHelper
 Produce return user link SINR statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserMacLinkDelayHelper
 Produce return user link MAC-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserMacLinkJitterHelper
 Produce return user link MAC-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserMacThroughputHelper
 Produce return user link MAC-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserPhyLinkDelayHelper
 Produce return user link PHY-level delay statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserPhyLinkJitterHelper
 Produce return user link PHY-level jitter statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsRtnUserPhyThroughputHelper
 Produce return user link PHY-level throughput statistics from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsSatelliteQueueHelper
 Base class for sat queue statistics helpers. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsSignallingLoadHelper
 Abstract class inherited by SatStatsFwdSignallingLoadHelper and SatStatsRtnSignallingLoadHelper. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsThroughputHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsUserCrdsaPacketCollisionHelper
 Produce packet collision statistics of Random Access CRDSA from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsUserCrdsaPacketErrorHelper
 Produce packet error statistics of Random Access CRDSA on user link from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsUserEssaPacketCollisionHelper
 Produce packet collision statistics of Random Access E-SSA from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsUserEssaPacketErrorHelper
 Produce packet error statistics of Random Access E-SSA on user link from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsUserPacketCollisionHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsUserSlottedAlohaPacketCollisionHelper
 Produce packet collision statistics of Random Access Slotted ALOHA from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsUserSlottedAlohaPacketErrorHelper
 Produce packet error statistics of Random Access Slotted ALOHA on user link from a satellite module simulation. More...
class  ns3::SatStatsWaveformUsageHelper
class  ns3::SatStatsWindowLoadHelper
 Abstract class inherited by SatStatsRtnFeederWindowLoadHelper. More...

Detailed Description

Data Collection Framework (DCF) implementation on Satellite module.

For usage in simulation script, see SatStatsHelperContainer.

SatStatsHelperContainer takes care of setting the attributes Name, IdentifierType, and OutputType. Thus it's not recommended to manually set the values of these attributes while using SatStatsHelperContainer.