ns3::SatTopology Class Reference

Class to store topology of the whole system. More...

#include "satellite-topology.h"

+ Inheritance diagram for ns3::SatTopology:
+ Collaboration diagram for ns3::SatTopology:


struct  GwLayers_s
struct  OrbiterLayers_s
struct  UtLayers_s

Public Member Functions

 SatTopology ()
 Constructor. More...
 ~SatTopology ()
 Destructor. More...
void AddGwLayersDvb (Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t gwSatId, uint32_t gwBeamId, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId, Ptr< SatNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< SatGwLlc > llc, Ptr< SatGwMac > mac, Ptr< SatGwPhy > phy)
 Add DVB GW layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam. More...
void AddGwLayersLora (Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t gwSatId, uint32_t gwBeamId, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId, Ptr< SatNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< LorawanGroundMacGateway > mac, Ptr< SatGwPhy > phy)
 Add LORA GW layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam. More...
void AddGwNode (uint32_t gwId, Ptr< Node > gw)
 Add a GW node to the topology. More...
void AddGwUserNode (Ptr< Node > gwUser)
 Add a GW user node to the topology. More...
void AddOrbiterFeederLayers (Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t satId, uint32_t utBeamId, Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederLlc > llc, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > mac, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederPhy > phy)
 Add orbiter feeder layers for given satellite and beam ID. More...
void AddOrbiterFeederMacPair (Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > mac, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > usedMac)
 Create an association between a feeder MAC layer, and the entity really used. More...
void AddOrbiterNode (Ptr< Node > orbiter)
 Add an orbiter node to the topology. More...
void AddOrbiterUserLayersDvb (Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId, Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserLlc > llc, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserMac > mac, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserPhy > phy)
 Add DVB orbiter user layers for given satellite and beam ID. More...
void AddOrbiterUserLayersLora (Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId, Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< LorawanOrbiterMacGateway > mac, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserPhy > phy)
 Add LORA orbiter user layers for given satellite and beam ID. More...
void AddUtLayersDvb (Ptr< Node > ut, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId, uint32_t groupId, Ptr< SatNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< SatUtLlc > llc, Ptr< SatUtMac > mac, Ptr< SatUtPhy > phy)
 Add DVB UT layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam. More...
void AddUtLayersLora (Ptr< Node > ut, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId, uint32_t groupId, Ptr< SatNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< LorawanMacEndDevice > mac, Ptr< SatUtPhy > phy)
 Add LORA UT layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam. More...
void AddUtNode (Ptr< Node > ut)
 Add a UT node to the topology. More...
void AddUtUserNode (Ptr< Node > utUser, Ptr< Node > ut)
 Add a UT user node to the topology. More...
void ConnectGwToBeam (uint32_t beamId, Ptr< Node > gw)
 Connect a GW to a Beam. More...
void ConnectGwToUt (Ptr< Node > ut, Ptr< Node > gw)
 Connect a GW to a UT. More...
void DisconnectGwFromUt (Ptr< Node > ut)
 Disconnect a GW from a UT. More...
void DoDispose ()
 Do needed dispose actions. More...
void EnableMapPrint (bool enableMapPrint)
 Function for enabling the map prints. More...
uint32_t GetClosestSat (GeoCoordinate position)
 Get closest satellite to a ground station. More...
Ptr< SatGwMacGetDvbGwMac (Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const
 Get SatGwMac instance of a DVB GW. More...
Ptr< SatOrbiterUserMacGetDvbOrbiterUserMac (Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const
 Get SatOrbiterUserMac instance of a DVB orbiter serving wanted beam ID. More...
Ptr< SatUtMacGetDvbUtMac (Ptr< Node > ut) const
 Get SatUtMac instance of a DVB UT. More...
SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t GetForwardLinkRegenerationMode ()
 Get forward link regeneration mode. More...
Mac48Address GetGwAddressInUt (uint32_t utId)
 Set the value of GW address for a UT. More...
uint32_t GetGwBeamId (Ptr< Node > gw) const
 Get ID of beam linked to a GW. More...
Ptr< Node > GetGwFromBeam (uint32_t beamId) const
 Get GW connected to a given beam ID. More...
Ptr< Node > GetGwFromUt (Ptr< Node > ut) const
 Get GW connected to a given UT. More...
Ptr< SatGwLlcGetGwLlc (Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const
 Get SatGwLlc instance of a GW. More...
Ptr< SatNetDeviceGetGwNetDevice (Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const
 Get SatNetDevice instance of a GW. More...
Ptr< Node > GetGwNode (uint32_t nodeId) const
 Get the wanted GW node. More...
NodeContainer GetGwNodes () const
 Get the list of GW nodes. More...
Ptr< SatGwPhyGetGwPhy (Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const
 Get SatGwPhy instance of a GW. More...
uint32_t GetGwSatId (Ptr< Node > gw) const
 Get ID of satellite linked to a GW. More...
Ptr< Node > GetGwUserNode (uint32_t nodeId) const
 Get the wanted GW user node. More...
NodeContainer GetGwUserNodes () const
 Get the list of GW user nodes. More...
Ptr< LorawanGroundMacGatewayGetLoraGwMac (Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const
 Get SatGwMac instance of a LORA GW. More...
Ptr< LorawanOrbiterMacGatewayGetLoraOrbiterUserMac (Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const
 Get LorawanOrbiterMacGateway instance of a LORA orbiter serving wanted beam ID. More...
Ptr< LorawanMacEndDeviceGetLoraUtMac (Ptr< Node > ut) const
 Get SatUtMac instance of a LORA UT. More...
uint32_t GetNGwNodes () const
 Get the number of GW nodes. More...
uint32_t GetNGwUserNodes () const
 Get the number of GW user nodes. More...
Ptr< Node > GetNodeFromId (uint32_t nodeId) const
 Get the wanted node from its node ID. More...
uint32_t GetNOrbiterNodes () const
 Get the number of orbiter nodes. More...
uint32_t GetNUtNodes () const
 Get the number of UT nodes. More...
uint32_t GetNUtUserNodes () const
 Get the number of UT user nodes. More...
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederLlcGetOrbiterFeederLlc (Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t utBeamId) const
 Get SatOrbiterFeederLlc instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID. More...
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMacGetOrbiterFeederMac (Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t utBeamId) const
 Get SatOrbiterFeederMac instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID. More...
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMacGetOrbiterFeederMacUsed (Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > mac) const
 Get feeder MAC really used to connect to a GW. More...
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederPhyGetOrbiterFeederPhy (Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t utBeamId) const
 Get SatOrbiterFeederPhy instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID. More...
Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDeviceGetOrbiterNetDevice (Ptr< Node > orbiter) const
 Get SatOrbiterNetDevice instance of an orbiter. More...
Ptr< Node > GetOrbiterNode (uint32_t nodeId) const
 Get the wanted orbiter node. More...
NodeContainer GetOrbiterNodes () const
 Get the list of orbiter nodes. More...
uint32_t GetOrbiterSatId (Ptr< Node > orbiter) const
 Get ID of a given orbiter. More...
Ptr< SatOrbiterUserLlcGetOrbiterUserLlc (Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const
 Get SatOrbiterUserLlc instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID. More...
Ptr< SatOrbiterUserPhyGetOrbiterUserPhy (Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const
 Get SatOrbiterUserPhy instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID. More...
SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t GetReturnLinkRegenerationMode ()
 Get return link regeneration mode. More...
SatEnums::Standard_t GetStandard ()
 Get standard used (DVB or LORA) More...
uint32_t GetUtBeamId (Ptr< Node > ut) const
 Get ID of beam linked to a UT. More...
uint32_t GetUtGroupId (Ptr< Node > ut) const
 Get ID of group linked to a UT. More...
Ptr< SatUtLlcGetUtLlc (Ptr< Node > ut) const
 Get SatUtLlc instance of a UT. More...
Ptr< SatNetDeviceGetUtNetDevice (Ptr< Node > ut) const
 Get SatNetDevice instance of a UT. More...
Ptr< Node > GetUtNode (Ptr< Node > utUser) const
 Get UT node linked to some UT user. More...
Ptr< Node > GetUtNode (uint32_t nodeId) const
 Get the wanted UT node. More...
NodeContainer GetUtNodes () const
 Get the list of UT nodes. More...
Ptr< SatUtPhyGetUtPhy (Ptr< Node > ut) const
 Get SatUtPhy instance of a UT. More...
uint32_t GetUtSatId (Ptr< Node > ut) const
 Get ID of satellite linked to a UT. More...
Ptr< Node > GetUtUserNode (uint32_t nodeId) const
 Get the wanted UT user node. More...
NodeContainer GetUtUserNodes () const
 Get the list of UT user nodes. More...
NodeContainer GetUtUserNodes (NodeContainer uts) const
 Get the list of UT user nodes connected to UTs. More...
NodeContainer GetUtUserNodes (Ptr< Node > ut) const
 Get the list of UT user nodes connected to on UT. More...
void PrintTopology (std::ostream &os) const
 Print all the satellite topology. More...
void Reset ()
 Function for resetting the variables. More...
void SetForwardLinkRegenerationMode (SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t forwardLinkRegenerationMode)
 Set forward link regeneration mode. More...
void SetReturnLinkRegenerationMode (SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t returnLinkRegenerationMode)
 Set return link regeneration mode. More...
void SetStandard (SatEnums::Standard_t standard)
 Set standard used (DVB or LORA) More...
void UpdateGwConnectedToUt (Ptr< Node > ut, Ptr< Node > gw)
 Connect a new GW to a UT. More...
void UpdateGwSatAndBeam (Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId)
 Update satellite and beam associated to a GW. More...
void UpdateUtGroup (Ptr< Node > ut, uint32_t groupId)
 Update satellite and beam associated to a UT. More...
void UpdateUtSatAndBeam (Ptr< Node > ut, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId)
 Update satellite and beam associated to a UT. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static TypeId GetTypeId (void)
 NS-3 type id function. More...

Private Attributes

std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< Node > > m_beamToGwMap
std::map< Ptr< Node >, NodeContainer > m_detailledUtUsers
bool m_enableMapPrint
SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t m_forwardLinkRegenerationMode
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< Node > > m_gwIds
std::map< Ptr< Node >, GwLayers_sm_gwLayers
NodeContainer m_gws
NodeContainer m_gwUsers
std::map< Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac >, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > > m_orbiterFeederMacMap
std::map< Ptr< Node >, OrbiterLayers_sm_orbiterLayers
NodeContainer m_orbiters
SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t m_returnLinkRegenerationMode
SatEnums::Standard_t m_standard
std::map< Ptr< Node >, UtLayers_sm_utLayers
NodeContainer m_uts
std::map< Ptr< Node >, Ptr< Node > > m_utToGwMap
NodeContainer m_utUsers

Detailed Description

Class to store topology of the whole system.

It has the information of all the nodes of the scenario, and all the links between them.

Definition at line 60 of file satellite-topology.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SatTopology()

ns3::SatTopology::SatTopology ( )


Definition at line 47 of file satellite-topology.cc.

◆ ~SatTopology()

ns3::SatTopology::~SatTopology ( )


Definition at line 53 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References Reset().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddGwLayersDvb()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddGwLayersDvb ( Ptr< Node >  gw,
uint32_t  gwSatId,
uint32_t  gwBeamId,
uint32_t  utSatId,
uint32_t  utBeamId,
Ptr< SatNetDevice netDevice,
Ptr< SatGwLlc llc,
Ptr< SatGwMac mac,
Ptr< SatGwPhy phy 

Add DVB GW layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam.

gwGW node to consider
gwSatIdID of satellite linked to this stack
gwBeamIdID of beam linked to this stack
utSatIdID of satellite serving UTs for this stack
utBeamIdID of beam serving UTs for this stack
netDeviceSatNetDevice for pair UT satellite/UT beam
llcLLC layer for pair UT satellite/UT beam
macMAC layer for pair UT satellite/UT beam
phyPHY layer for pair UT satellite/UT beam

Definition at line 542 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_beamId, ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_dvbMac, m_gwLayers, ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_llc, ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_netDevice, ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_phy, and ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_satId.

◆ AddGwLayersLora()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddGwLayersLora ( Ptr< Node >  gw,
uint32_t  gwSatId,
uint32_t  gwBeamId,
uint32_t  utSatId,
uint32_t  utBeamId,
Ptr< SatNetDevice netDevice,
Ptr< LorawanGroundMacGateway mac,
Ptr< SatGwPhy phy 

Add LORA GW layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam.

gwGW node to consider
gwSatIdID of satellite linked to this stack
gwBeamIdID of beam linked to this stack
utSatIdID of satellite serving UTs for this stack
utBeamIdID of beam serving UTs for this stack
netDeviceSatNetDevice for pair UT satellite/UT beam
llcLLC layer for pair UT satellite/UT beam
macMAC layer for pair UT satellite/UT beam
phyPHY layer for pair UT satellite/UT beam

Definition at line 592 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_beamId, m_gwLayers, ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_loraMac, ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_netDevice, ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_phy, and ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_satId.

◆ AddGwNode()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddGwNode ( uint32_t  gwId,
Ptr< Node >  gw 

Add a GW node to the topology.

gwIdID of the GW
gwThe GW node to add

Definition at line 138 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwIds, and m_gws.

◆ AddGwUserNode()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddGwUserNode ( Ptr< Node >  gwUser)

Add a GW user node to the topology.

gwUserThe GW user node to add

Definition at line 168 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwUsers.

◆ AddOrbiterFeederLayers()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddOrbiterFeederLayers ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter,
uint32_t  satId,
uint32_t  utBeamId,
Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice netDevice,
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederLlc llc,
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac mac,
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederPhy phy 

Add orbiter feeder layers for given satellite and beam ID.

orbiterUT node to consider
satIdID of satellite linked to this stack
utSatIdID of UT satellite linked to this stack
utBeamIdID of UT beam linked to this stack
netDeviceSatNetDevice of this node
macLLC layer of this node
macMAC layer of this node
phyPHY layer of this node

Definition at line 902 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_feederLlc, ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_feederMac, ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_feederPhy, ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_netDevice, m_orbiterLayers, and ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_satId.

◆ AddOrbiterFeederMacPair()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddOrbiterFeederMacPair ( Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac mac,
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac usedMac 

Create an association between a feeder MAC layer, and the entity really used.

macThe Feeder MAC to pair
usedMacThe Feeder MAC that is really linked to a GW

Definition at line 272 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiterFeederMacMap.

◆ AddOrbiterNode()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddOrbiterNode ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter)

Add an orbiter node to the topology.

orbiterThe orbiter node to add

Definition at line 160 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiters.

◆ AddOrbiterUserLayersDvb()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddOrbiterUserLayersDvb ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter,
uint32_t  satId,
uint32_t  beamId,
Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice netDevice,
Ptr< SatOrbiterUserLlc llc,
Ptr< SatOrbiterUserMac mac,
Ptr< SatOrbiterUserPhy phy 

Add DVB orbiter user layers for given satellite and beam ID.

orbiterUT node to consider
satIdID of satellite linked to this stack
beamIdID of beam linked to this stack
netDeviceSatNetDevice of this node
macLLC layer of this node
macMAC layer of this node
phyPHY layer of this node

Definition at line 944 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_dvbUserMac, ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_netDevice, m_orbiterLayers, ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_satId, ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_userLlc, and ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_userPhy.

◆ AddOrbiterUserLayersLora()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddOrbiterUserLayersLora ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter,
uint32_t  satId,
uint32_t  beamId,
Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice netDevice,
Ptr< LorawanOrbiterMacGateway mac,
Ptr< SatOrbiterUserPhy phy 

Add LORA orbiter user layers for given satellite and beam ID.

orbiterUT node to consider
satIdID of satellite linked to this stack
beamIdID of beam linked to this stack
netDeviceSatNetDevice of this node
macLLC layer of this node
macMAC layer of this node
phyPHY layer of this node

Definition at line 986 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_loraUserMac, ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_netDevice, m_orbiterLayers, ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_satId, and ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_userPhy.

◆ AddUtLayersDvb()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddUtLayersDvb ( Ptr< Node >  ut,
uint32_t  satId,
uint32_t  beamId,
uint32_t  groupId,
Ptr< SatNetDevice netDevice,
Ptr< SatUtLlc llc,
Ptr< SatUtMac mac,
Ptr< SatUtPhy phy 

Add DVB UT layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam.

utUT node to consider
satIdID of satellite linked to this stack
beamIdID of beam linked to this stack
groupIdID of group linked to this stack
netDeviceSatNetDevice of this node
llcLLC layer of this node
macMAC layer of this node
phyPHY layer of this node

Definition at line 751 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_beamId, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_dvbMac, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_groupId, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_llc, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_netDevice, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_phy, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_satId, and m_utLayers.

◆ AddUtLayersLora()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddUtLayersLora ( Ptr< Node >  ut,
uint32_t  satId,
uint32_t  beamId,
uint32_t  groupId,
Ptr< SatNetDevice netDevice,
Ptr< LorawanMacEndDevice mac,
Ptr< SatUtPhy phy 

Add LORA UT layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam.

utUT node to consider
satIdID of satellite linked to this stack
beamIdID of beam linked to this stack
groupIdID of group linked to this stack
netDeviceSatNetDevice of this node
llcLLC layer of this node
macMAC layer of this node
phyPHY layer of this node

Definition at line 777 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_beamId, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_groupId, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_loraMac, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_netDevice, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_phy, ns3::SatTopology::UtLayers_s::m_satId, and m_utLayers.

◆ AddUtNode()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddUtNode ( Ptr< Node >  ut)

Add a UT node to the topology.

utThe UT node to add

Definition at line 152 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_uts.

◆ AddUtUserNode()

void ns3::SatTopology::AddUtUserNode ( Ptr< Node >  utUser,
Ptr< Node >  ut 

Add a UT user node to the topology.

utUserThe UT user node to add
utAssociated UT node

Definition at line 176 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_detailledUtUsers, and m_utUsers.

◆ ConnectGwToBeam()

void ns3::SatTopology::ConnectGwToBeam ( uint32_t  beamId,
Ptr< Node >  gw 

Connect a GW to a Beam.

Beam must not have an associated GW yet

beamIdThe beam ID to consider
gwThe GW connected to this beam

Definition at line 245 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_beamToGwMap.

◆ ConnectGwToUt()

void ns3::SatTopology::ConnectGwToUt ( Ptr< Node >  ut,
Ptr< Node >  gw 

Connect a GW to a UT.

UT must not have an associated GW yet

utThe UT to consider
gwThe GW connected to this UT

Definition at line 189 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utToGwMap.

◆ DisconnectGwFromUt()

void ns3::SatTopology::DisconnectGwFromUt ( Ptr< Node >  ut)

Disconnect a GW from a UT.

UT must already have an associated GW

utThe UT to consider

Definition at line 216 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utToGwMap.

◆ DoDispose()

void ns3::SatTopology::DoDispose ( void  )

Do needed dispose actions.

Definition at line 61 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References Reset().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ EnableMapPrint()

void ns3::SatTopology::EnableMapPrint ( bool  enableMapPrint)

Function for enabling the map prints.

Definition at line 839 of file satellite-topology.h.

References m_enableMapPrint.

◆ GetClosestSat()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetClosestSat ( GeoCoordinate  position)

Get closest satellite to a ground station.

positionThe position of the ground station
The ID of the closest satellite

Definition at line 1321 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiters, and ns3::GeoCoordinate::ToVector().

Referenced by GetGwAddressInUt().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetDvbGwMac()

Ptr< SatGwMac > ns3::SatTopology::GetDvbGwMac ( Ptr< Node >  gw,
uint32_t  utSatId,
uint32_t  utBeamId 
) const

Get SatGwMac instance of a DVB GW.

gwGW node to consider
utSatIdID of satellite serving the UTs
utBeamIdID of beam serving the UTs
SatGwMac instance of a GW

Definition at line 702 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_dvbMac, and m_gwLayers.

Referenced by GetGwAddressInUt().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetDvbOrbiterUserMac()

Ptr< SatOrbiterUserMac > ns3::SatTopology::GetDvbOrbiterUserMac ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter,
uint32_t  beamId 
) const

Get SatOrbiterUserMac instance of a DVB orbiter serving wanted beam ID.

orbiterOrbiter node to consider
beamIdBeam ID served by this user MAC layer
SatOrbiterUserMac instance of an orbiter

Definition at line 1092 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_dvbUserMac, and m_orbiterLayers.

◆ GetDvbUtMac()

Ptr< SatUtMac > ns3::SatTopology::GetDvbUtMac ( Ptr< Node >  ut) const

Get SatUtMac instance of a DVB UT.

utUT node to consider
SatUtMac instance of a UT

Definition at line 872 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utLayers.

◆ GetForwardLinkRegenerationMode()

SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t ns3::SatTopology::GetForwardLinkRegenerationMode ( )

Get forward link regeneration mode.

Forward link regeneration mode

Definition at line 114 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_forwardLinkRegenerationMode.

◆ GetGwAddressInUt()

Mac48Address ns3::SatTopology::GetGwAddressInUt ( uint32_t  utId)

Set the value of GW address for a UT.

This method is called when using constellations, and can be called via callbacks after handovers

utIdID of UT to
MAC address of GW

Definition at line 301 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References GetClosestSat(), GetDvbGwMac(), GetGwFromBeam(), GetNodeFromId(), GetOrbiterFeederMac(), GetOrbiterFeederMacUsed(), GetUtBeamId(), and m_orbiters.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetGwBeamId()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetGwBeamId ( Ptr< Node >  gw) const

Get ID of beam linked to a GW.

gwGW node to consider
ID of beam linked to this node

Definition at line 659 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwLayers.

◆ GetGwFromBeam()

Ptr< Node > ns3::SatTopology::GetGwFromBeam ( uint32_t  beamId) const

Get GW connected to a given beam ID.

Beam must already have an associated GW

beamIdThe beam ID to consider
The associated GW

Definition at line 259 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_beamToGwMap.

Referenced by GetGwAddressInUt().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetGwFromUt()

Ptr< Node > ns3::SatTopology::GetGwFromUt ( Ptr< Node >  ut) const

Get GW connected to a given UT.

UT must already have an associated GW

utThe UT to consider
The associated GW

Definition at line 232 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utToGwMap.

◆ GetGwLlc()

Ptr< SatGwLlc > ns3::SatTopology::GetGwLlc ( Ptr< Node >  gw,
uint32_t  utSatId,
uint32_t  utBeamId 
) const

Get SatGwLlc instance of a GW.

gwGW node to consider
utSatIdID of satellite serving the UTs
utBeamIdID of beam serving the UTs
SatGwLlc instance of a GW

Definition at line 686 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwLayers, and ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_llc.

◆ GetGwNetDevice()

Ptr< SatNetDevice > ns3::SatTopology::GetGwNetDevice ( Ptr< Node >  gw,
uint32_t  utSatId,
uint32_t  utBeamId 
) const

Get SatNetDevice instance of a GW.

gwGW node to consider
utSatIdID of satellite serving the UTs
utBeamIdID of beam serving the UTs
SatNetDevice instance of a GW

Definition at line 669 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwLayers, and ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_netDevice.

◆ GetGwNode()

Ptr< Node > ns3::SatTopology::GetGwNode ( uint32_t  nodeId) const

Get the wanted GW node.

nodeIdID of the node needed (index in vector)
The GW node

Definition at line 451 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gws.

◆ GetGwNodes()

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::GetGwNodes ( ) const

Get the list of GW nodes.

The list of GW nodes

Definition at line 324 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gws.

◆ GetGwPhy()

Ptr< SatGwPhy > ns3::SatTopology::GetGwPhy ( Ptr< Node >  gw,
uint32_t  utSatId,
uint32_t  utBeamId 
) const

Get SatGwPhy instance of a GW.

gwGW node to consider
utSatIdID of satellite serving the UTs
utBeamIdID of beam serving the UTs
SatGwPhy instance of a GW

Definition at line 735 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwLayers, and ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_phy.

◆ GetGwSatId()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetGwSatId ( Ptr< Node >  gw) const

Get ID of satellite linked to a GW.

gwGW node to consider
ID of satellite linked to this node

Definition at line 649 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwLayers.

◆ GetGwUserNode()

Ptr< Node > ns3::SatTopology::GetGwUserNode ( uint32_t  nodeId) const

Get the wanted GW user node.

nodeIdID of the node needed
The GW user node

Definition at line 475 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwUsers.

◆ GetGwUserNodes()

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::GetGwUserNodes ( ) const

Get the list of GW user nodes.

The list of GW user nodes

Definition at line 348 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwUsers.

◆ GetLoraGwMac()

Ptr< LorawanGroundMacGateway > ns3::SatTopology::GetLoraGwMac ( Ptr< Node >  gw,
uint32_t  utSatId,
uint32_t  utBeamId 
) const

Get SatGwMac instance of a LORA GW.

gwGW node to consider
utSatIdID of satellite serving the UTs
utBeamIdID of beam serving the UTs
LorawanGroundMacGateway instance of a GW

Definition at line 718 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwLayers, and ns3::SatTopology::GwLayers_s::m_loraMac.

◆ GetLoraOrbiterUserMac()

Ptr< LorawanOrbiterMacGateway > ns3::SatTopology::GetLoraOrbiterUserMac ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter,
uint32_t  beamId 
) const

Get LorawanOrbiterMacGateway instance of a LORA orbiter serving wanted beam ID.

orbiterOrbiter node to consider
beamIdBeam ID served by this user MAC layer
LorawanOrbiterMacGateway instance of an orbiter

Definition at line 1107 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_loraUserMac, and m_orbiterLayers.

◆ GetLoraUtMac()

Ptr< LorawanMacEndDevice > ns3::SatTopology::GetLoraUtMac ( Ptr< Node >  ut) const

Get SatUtMac instance of a LORA UT.

utUT node to consider
LorawanMacEndDevice instance of a UT

Definition at line 882 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utLayers.

◆ GetNGwNodes()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetNGwNodes ( ) const

Get the number of GW nodes.

The number of GW nodes

Definition at line 411 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gws.

◆ GetNGwUserNodes()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetNGwUserNodes ( ) const

Get the number of GW user nodes.

The number of GW user nodes

Definition at line 435 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwUsers.

◆ GetNodeFromId()

Ptr< Node > ns3::SatTopology::GetNodeFromId ( uint32_t  nodeId) const

Get the wanted node from its node ID.

nodeIdID of the node needed
The node

Definition at line 491 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gws, m_gwUsers, m_orbiters, m_uts, and m_utUsers.

Referenced by GetGwAddressInUt().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNOrbiterNodes()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetNOrbiterNodes ( ) const

Get the number of orbiter nodes.

The number of orbiter nodes

Definition at line 427 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiters.

◆ GetNUtNodes()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetNUtNodes ( ) const

Get the number of UT nodes.

The number of UT nodes

Definition at line 419 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_uts.

◆ GetNUtUserNodes()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetNUtUserNodes ( ) const

Get the number of UT user nodes.

The number of UT user nodes

Definition at line 443 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utUsers.

◆ GetOrbiterFeederLlc()

Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederLlc > ns3::SatTopology::GetOrbiterFeederLlc ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter,
uint32_t  utBeamId 
) const

Get SatOrbiterFeederLlc instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID.

orbiterOrbiter node to consider
utBeamIdUT Beam ID served by this feeder LLC layer
SatOrbiterFeederLlc instance of an orbiter

Definition at line 1046 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_feederLlc, and m_orbiterLayers.

◆ GetOrbiterFeederMac()

Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > ns3::SatTopology::GetOrbiterFeederMac ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter,
uint32_t  utBeamId 
) const

Get SatOrbiterFeederMac instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID.

orbiterOrbiter node to consider
utBeamIdUT Beam ID served by this feeder MAC layer
SatOrbiterFeederMac instance of an orbiter

Definition at line 1076 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_feederMac, and m_orbiterLayers.

Referenced by GetGwAddressInUt().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetOrbiterFeederMacUsed()

Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > ns3::SatTopology::GetOrbiterFeederMacUsed ( Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac mac) const

Get feeder MAC really used to connect to a GW.

macThe Feeder MAC wanted
The Feeder MAC that is really linked to a GW

Definition at line 286 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiterFeederMacMap.

Referenced by GetGwAddressInUt().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetOrbiterFeederPhy()

Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederPhy > ns3::SatTopology::GetOrbiterFeederPhy ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter,
uint32_t  utBeamId 
) const

Get SatOrbiterFeederPhy instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID.

orbiterOrbiter node to consider
utBeamIdUT Beam ID served by this feeder PHY layer
SatOrbiterFeederPhy instance of an orbiter

Definition at line 1122 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_feederPhy, and m_orbiterLayers.

◆ GetOrbiterNetDevice()

Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice > ns3::SatTopology::GetOrbiterNetDevice ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter) const

Get SatOrbiterNetDevice instance of an orbiter.

orbiterOrbiter node to consider
SatOrbiterNetDevice instance of an orbiter

Definition at line 1035 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiterLayers.

◆ GetOrbiterNode()

Ptr< Node > ns3::SatTopology::GetOrbiterNode ( uint32_t  nodeId) const

Get the wanted orbiter node.

nodeIdID of the node needed
The orbiter node

Definition at line 467 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiters.

◆ GetOrbiterNodes()

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::GetOrbiterNodes ( ) const

Get the list of orbiter nodes.

The list of orbiter nodes

Definition at line 340 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiters.

◆ GetOrbiterSatId()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetOrbiterSatId ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter) const

Get ID of a given orbiter.

orbiterOrbiter node to consider
ID of orbiter linked to this node

Definition at line 1024 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiterLayers.

◆ GetOrbiterUserLlc()

Ptr< SatOrbiterUserLlc > ns3::SatTopology::GetOrbiterUserLlc ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter,
uint32_t  beamId 
) const

Get SatOrbiterUserLlc instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID.

orbiterOrbiter node to consider
beamIdBeam ID served by this user LLC layer
SatOrbiterUserLlc instance of an orbiter

Definition at line 1061 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiterLayers, and ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_userLlc.

◆ GetOrbiterUserPhy()

Ptr< SatOrbiterUserPhy > ns3::SatTopology::GetOrbiterUserPhy ( Ptr< Node >  orbiter,
uint32_t  beamId 
) const

Get SatOrbiterUserPhy instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID.

orbiterOrbiter node to consider
beamIdBeam ID served by this user physical layer
SatOrbiterUserPhy instance of an orbiter

Definition at line 1137 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_orbiterLayers, and ns3::SatTopology::OrbiterLayers_s::m_userPhy.

◆ GetReturnLinkRegenerationMode()

SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t ns3::SatTopology::GetReturnLinkRegenerationMode ( )

Get return link regeneration mode.

Return link regeneration mode

Definition at line 130 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_returnLinkRegenerationMode.

◆ GetStandard()

SatEnums::Standard_t ns3::SatTopology::GetStandard ( )

Get standard used (DVB or LORA)

Standard to use

Definition at line 97 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_standard.

◆ GetTypeId()

TypeId ns3::SatTopology::GetTypeId ( void  )

NS-3 type id function.

type id

Definition at line 40 of file satellite-topology.cc.

◆ GetUtBeamId()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetUtBeamId ( Ptr< Node >  ut) const

Get ID of beam linked to a UT.

utUT node to consider
ID of beam linked to this node

Definition at line 832 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utLayers.

Referenced by GetGwAddressInUt().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetUtGroupId()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetUtGroupId ( Ptr< Node >  ut) const

Get ID of group linked to a UT.

utUT node to consider
ID of group linked to this node

Definition at line 842 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utLayers.

◆ GetUtLlc()

Ptr< SatUtLlc > ns3::SatTopology::GetUtLlc ( Ptr< Node >  ut) const

Get SatUtLlc instance of a UT.

utUT node to consider
SatUtLlc instance of a UT

Definition at line 862 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utLayers.

◆ GetUtNetDevice()

Ptr< SatNetDevice > ns3::SatTopology::GetUtNetDevice ( Ptr< Node >  ut) const

Get SatNetDevice instance of a UT.

utUT node to consider
SatNetDevice instance of a UT

Definition at line 852 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utLayers.

◆ GetUtNode() [1/2]

Ptr< Node > ns3::SatTopology::GetUtNode ( Ptr< Node >  utUser) const

Get UT node linked to some UT user.

utUserPointer to the UT user node
a pointer to the UT node which serves the specified UT user node, or nullptr if the UT user node is invalid

Definition at line 392 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_detailledUtUsers.

◆ GetUtNode() [2/2]

Ptr< Node > ns3::SatTopology::GetUtNode ( uint32_t  nodeId) const

Get the wanted UT node.

nodeIdID of the node needed
The UT node

Definition at line 459 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_uts.

◆ GetUtNodes()

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::GetUtNodes ( ) const

Get the list of UT nodes.

The list of UT nodes

Definition at line 332 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_uts.

◆ GetUtPhy()

Ptr< SatUtPhy > ns3::SatTopology::GetUtPhy ( Ptr< Node >  ut) const

Get SatUtPhy instance of a UT.

utUT node to consider
SatUtPhy instance of a UT

Definition at line 892 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utLayers.

◆ GetUtSatId()

uint32_t ns3::SatTopology::GetUtSatId ( Ptr< Node >  ut) const

Get ID of satellite linked to a UT.

utUT node to consider
ID of satellite linked to this node

Definition at line 822 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utLayers.

◆ GetUtUserNode()

Ptr< Node > ns3::SatTopology::GetUtUserNode ( uint32_t  nodeId) const

Get the wanted UT user node.

nodeIdID of the node needed
The UT user node

Definition at line 483 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utUsers.

◆ GetUtUserNodes() [1/3]

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::GetUtUserNodes ( ) const

Get the list of UT user nodes.

The list of UT user nodes

Definition at line 356 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utUsers.

Referenced by GetUtUserNodes().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetUtUserNodes() [2/3]

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::GetUtUserNodes ( NodeContainer  uts) const

Get the list of UT user nodes connected to UTs.

utsList of UT nodes
The list of UT user nodes

Definition at line 364 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References GetUtUserNodes().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetUtUserNodes() [3/3]

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::GetUtUserNodes ( Ptr< Node >  ut) const

Get the list of UT user nodes connected to on UT.

utUT node
The list of UT user nodes

Definition at line 377 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_detailledUtUsers.

◆ PrintTopology()

◆ Reset()

void ns3::SatTopology::Reset ( void  )

Function for resetting the variables.

Definition at line 71 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_beamToGwMap, m_enableMapPrint, m_gwIds, m_gws, m_gwUsers, m_orbiterFeederMacMap, m_orbiters, m_uts, m_utToGwMap, and m_utUsers.

Referenced by ~SatTopology(), and DoDispose().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetForwardLinkRegenerationMode()

void ns3::SatTopology::SetForwardLinkRegenerationMode ( SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t  forwardLinkRegenerationMode)

Set forward link regeneration mode.

forwardLinkRegenerationModeForward link regeneration mode

Definition at line 105 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_forwardLinkRegenerationMode.

◆ SetReturnLinkRegenerationMode()

void ns3::SatTopology::SetReturnLinkRegenerationMode ( SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t  returnLinkRegenerationMode)

Set return link regeneration mode.

returnLinkRegenerationModeReturn link regeneration mode

Definition at line 122 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_returnLinkRegenerationMode.

◆ SetStandard()

void ns3::SatTopology::SetStandard ( SatEnums::Standard_t  standard)

Set standard used (DVB or LORA)

standardStandard to use

Definition at line 89 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_standard.

◆ UpdateGwConnectedToUt()

void ns3::SatTopology::UpdateGwConnectedToUt ( Ptr< Node >  ut,
Ptr< Node >  gw 

Connect a new GW to a UT.

UT must already have an associated GW

utThe UT to consider
gwThe GW connected to this UT

Definition at line 203 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utToGwMap.

◆ UpdateGwSatAndBeam()

void ns3::SatTopology::UpdateGwSatAndBeam ( Ptr< Node >  gw,
uint32_t  satId,
uint32_t  beamId 

Update satellite and beam associated to a GW.

gwGW node to consider
satIdID of satellite linked to this stack
beamIdID of beam linked to this stack

Definition at line 638 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_gwLayers.

◆ UpdateUtGroup()

void ns3::SatTopology::UpdateUtGroup ( Ptr< Node >  ut,
uint32_t  groupId 

Update satellite and beam associated to a UT.

utUT node to consider
groupIdID of group linked to this stack

Definition at line 812 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utLayers.

◆ UpdateUtSatAndBeam()

void ns3::SatTopology::UpdateUtSatAndBeam ( Ptr< Node >  ut,
uint32_t  satId,
uint32_t  beamId 

Update satellite and beam associated to a UT.

utUT node to consider
satIdID of satellite linked to this stack
beamIdID of beam linked to this stack

Definition at line 801 of file satellite-topology.cc.

References m_utLayers.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_beamToGwMap

std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<Node> > ns3::SatTopology::m_beamToGwMap

Definition at line 876 of file satellite-topology.h.

Referenced by ConnectGwToBeam(), GetGwFromBeam(), and Reset().

◆ m_detailledUtUsers

std::map<Ptr<Node>, NodeContainer> ns3::SatTopology::m_detailledUtUsers

Definition at line 868 of file satellite-topology.h.

Referenced by AddUtUserNode(), GetUtNode(), and GetUtUserNodes().

◆ m_enableMapPrint

bool ns3::SatTopology::m_enableMapPrint

Definition at line 880 of file satellite-topology.h.

Referenced by EnableMapPrint(), and Reset().

◆ m_forwardLinkRegenerationMode

SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t ns3::SatTopology::m_forwardLinkRegenerationMode

◆ m_gwIds

std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<Node> > ns3::SatTopology::m_gwIds

Definition at line 862 of file satellite-topology.h.

Referenced by AddGwNode(), and Reset().

◆ m_gwLayers

std::map<Ptr<Node>, GwLayers_s> ns3::SatTopology::m_gwLayers

◆ m_gws

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::m_gws

◆ m_gwUsers

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::m_gwUsers

◆ m_orbiterFeederMacMap

std::map<Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac>, Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac> > ns3::SatTopology::m_orbiterFeederMacMap

Definition at line 878 of file satellite-topology.h.

Referenced by AddOrbiterFeederMacPair(), GetOrbiterFeederMacUsed(), and Reset().

◆ m_orbiterLayers

◆ m_orbiters

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::m_orbiters

◆ m_returnLinkRegenerationMode

SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t ns3::SatTopology::m_returnLinkRegenerationMode

◆ m_standard

SatEnums::Standard_t ns3::SatTopology::m_standard

Definition at line 858 of file satellite-topology.h.

Referenced by GetStandard(), PrintTopology(), and SetStandard().

◆ m_utLayers

◆ m_uts

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::m_uts

◆ m_utToGwMap

std::map<Ptr<Node>, Ptr<Node> > ns3::SatTopology::m_utToGwMap

◆ m_utUsers

NodeContainer ns3::SatTopology::m_utUsers

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: