Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2013 Magister Solutions Ltd.
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17  *
18  * Author: Bastien Tauran <>
19  */
24 #include "lorawan-mac-end-device.h"
25 #include "lorawan-mac-gateway.h"
27 #include "satellite-gw-llc.h"
28 #include "satellite-gw-mac.h"
29 #include "satellite-gw-phy.h"
30 #include "satellite-net-device.h"
38 #include "satellite-ut-llc.h"
39 #include "satellite-ut-mac.h"
40 #include "satellite-ut-phy.h"
42 #include <ns3/node-container.h>
43 #include <ns3/node.h>
44 #include <ns3/object.h>
46 #include <map>
47 #include <ostream>
48 #include <stdint.h>
49 #include <utility>
51 namespace ns3
52 {
60 class SatTopology : public Object
61 {
62  public:
63  typedef struct
64  {
65  uint32_t m_satId;
66  uint32_t m_beamId;
67  std::map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, Ptr<SatNetDevice>> m_netDevice;
68  std::map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, Ptr<SatGwLlc>> m_llc;
69  std::map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, Ptr<SatGwMac>> m_dvbMac;
70  std::map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, Ptr<LorawanGroundMacGateway>> m_loraMac;
71  std::map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, Ptr<SatGwPhy>> m_phy;
72  } GwLayers_s;
74  typedef struct
75  {
76  uint32_t m_satId;
77  uint32_t m_beamId;
78  uint32_t m_groupId;
79  Ptr<SatNetDevice> m_netDevice;
80  Ptr<SatUtLlc> m_llc;
81  Ptr<SatUtMac> m_dvbMac;
82  Ptr<LorawanMacEndDevice> m_loraMac;
83  Ptr<SatUtPhy> m_phy;
84  } UtLayers_s;
86  typedef struct
87  {
88  uint32_t m_satId;
89  Ptr<SatOrbiterNetDevice> m_netDevice;
90  std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederLlc>> m_feederLlc;
91  std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<SatOrbiterUserLlc>> m_userLlc;
92  std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac>> m_feederMac;
93  std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<SatOrbiterUserMac>> m_dvbUserMac;
94  std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<LorawanOrbiterMacGateway>> m_loraUserMac;
95  std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederPhy>> m_feederPhy;
96  std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<SatOrbiterUserPhy>> m_userPhy;
102  SatTopology();
107  ~SatTopology();
113  static TypeId GetTypeId(void);
118  void DoDispose();
123  void Reset();
130  void SetStandard(SatEnums::Standard_t standard);
144  void SetForwardLinkRegenerationMode(SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t forwardLinkRegenerationMode);
158  void SetReturnLinkRegenerationMode(SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t returnLinkRegenerationMode);
173  void AddGwNode(uint32_t gwId, Ptr<Node> gw);
180  void AddUtNode(Ptr<Node> ut);
187  void AddOrbiterNode(Ptr<Node> orbiter);
194  void AddGwUserNode(Ptr<Node> gwUser);
202  void AddUtUserNode(Ptr<Node> utUser, Ptr<Node> ut);
210  void ConnectGwToUt(Ptr<Node> ut, Ptr<Node> gw);
218  void UpdateGwConnectedToUt(Ptr<Node> ut, Ptr<Node> gw);
225  void DisconnectGwFromUt(Ptr<Node> ut);
234  Ptr<Node> GetGwFromUt(Ptr<Node> ut) const;
242  void ConnectGwToBeam(uint32_t beamId, Ptr<Node> gw);
251  Ptr<Node> GetGwFromBeam(uint32_t beamId) const;
259  void AddOrbiterFeederMacPair(Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac> mac, Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac> usedMac);
268  Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac> GetOrbiterFeederMacUsed(Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac> mac) const;
278  Mac48Address GetGwAddressInUt(uint32_t utId);
285  NodeContainer GetGwNodes() const;
292  NodeContainer GetUtNodes() const;
299  NodeContainer GetOrbiterNodes() const;
306  NodeContainer GetGwUserNodes() const;
313  NodeContainer GetUtUserNodes() const;
322  NodeContainer GetUtUserNodes(NodeContainer uts) const;
331  NodeContainer GetUtUserNodes(Ptr<Node> ut) const;
341  Ptr<Node> GetUtNode(Ptr<Node> utUser) const;
348  uint32_t GetNGwNodes() const;
355  uint32_t GetNUtNodes() const;
362  uint32_t GetNOrbiterNodes() const;
369  uint32_t GetNGwUserNodes() const;
376  uint32_t GetNUtUserNodes() const;
385  Ptr<Node> GetGwNode(uint32_t nodeId) const;
394  Ptr<Node> GetUtNode(uint32_t nodeId) const;
403  Ptr<Node> GetOrbiterNode(uint32_t nodeId) const;
412  Ptr<Node> GetGwUserNode(uint32_t nodeId) const;
421  Ptr<Node> GetUtUserNode(uint32_t nodeId) const;
430  Ptr<Node> GetNodeFromId(uint32_t nodeId) const;
445  void AddGwLayersDvb(Ptr<Node> gw,
446  uint32_t gwSatId,
447  uint32_t gwBeamId,
448  uint32_t utSatId,
449  uint32_t utBeamId,
450  Ptr<SatNetDevice> netDevice,
451  Ptr<SatGwLlc> llc,
452  Ptr<SatGwMac> mac,
453  Ptr<SatGwPhy> phy);
468  void AddGwLayersLora(Ptr<Node> gw,
469  uint32_t gwSatId,
470  uint32_t gwBeamId,
471  uint32_t utSatId,
472  uint32_t utBeamId,
473  Ptr<SatNetDevice> netDevice,
474  Ptr<LorawanGroundMacGateway> mac,
475  Ptr<SatGwPhy> phy);
484  void UpdateGwSatAndBeam(Ptr<Node> gw, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId);
493  uint32_t GetGwSatId(Ptr<Node> gw) const;
502  uint32_t GetGwBeamId(Ptr<Node> gw) const;
513  Ptr<SatNetDevice> GetGwNetDevice(Ptr<Node> gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const;
524  Ptr<SatGwLlc> GetGwLlc(Ptr<Node> gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const;
535  Ptr<SatGwMac> GetDvbGwMac(Ptr<Node> gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const;
546  Ptr<LorawanGroundMacGateway> GetLoraGwMac(Ptr<Node> gw,
547  uint32_t utSatId,
548  uint32_t utBeamId) const;
559  Ptr<SatGwPhy> GetGwPhy(Ptr<Node> gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const;
573  void AddUtLayersDvb(Ptr<Node> ut,
574  uint32_t satId,
575  uint32_t beamId,
576  uint32_t groupId,
577  Ptr<SatNetDevice> netDevice,
578  Ptr<SatUtLlc> llc,
579  Ptr<SatUtMac> mac,
580  Ptr<SatUtPhy> phy);
594  void AddUtLayersLora(Ptr<Node> ut,
595  uint32_t satId,
596  uint32_t beamId,
597  uint32_t groupId,
598  Ptr<SatNetDevice> netDevice,
599  Ptr<LorawanMacEndDevice> mac,
600  Ptr<SatUtPhy> phy);
609  void UpdateUtSatAndBeam(Ptr<Node> ut, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId);
617  void UpdateUtGroup(Ptr<Node> ut, uint32_t groupId);
626  uint32_t GetUtSatId(Ptr<Node> ut) const;
635  uint32_t GetUtBeamId(Ptr<Node> ut) const;
644  uint32_t GetUtGroupId(Ptr<Node> ut) const;
653  Ptr<SatNetDevice> GetUtNetDevice(Ptr<Node> ut) const;
662  Ptr<SatUtLlc> GetUtLlc(Ptr<Node> ut) const;
671  Ptr<SatUtMac> GetDvbUtMac(Ptr<Node> ut) const;
680  Ptr<LorawanMacEndDevice> GetLoraUtMac(Ptr<Node> ut) const;
689  Ptr<SatUtPhy> GetUtPhy(Ptr<Node> ut) const;
703  void AddOrbiterFeederLayers(Ptr<Node> orbiter,
704  uint32_t satId,
705  uint32_t utBeamId,
706  Ptr<SatOrbiterNetDevice> netDevice,
707  Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederLlc> llc,
708  Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac> mac,
709  Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederPhy> phy);
722  void AddOrbiterUserLayersDvb(Ptr<Node> orbiter,
723  uint32_t satId,
724  uint32_t beamId,
725  Ptr<SatOrbiterNetDevice> netDevice,
726  Ptr<SatOrbiterUserLlc> llc,
727  Ptr<SatOrbiterUserMac> mac,
728  Ptr<SatOrbiterUserPhy> phy);
741  void AddOrbiterUserLayersLora(Ptr<Node> orbiter,
742  uint32_t satId,
743  uint32_t beamId,
744  Ptr<SatOrbiterNetDevice> netDevice,
745  Ptr<LorawanOrbiterMacGateway> mac,
746  Ptr<SatOrbiterUserPhy> phy);
755  uint32_t GetOrbiterSatId(Ptr<Node> orbiter) const;
764  Ptr<SatOrbiterNetDevice> GetOrbiterNetDevice(Ptr<Node> orbiter) const;
774  Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederLlc> GetOrbiterFeederLlc(Ptr<Node> orbiter, uint32_t utBeamId) const;
784  Ptr<SatOrbiterUserLlc> GetOrbiterUserLlc(Ptr<Node> orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const;
794  Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac> GetOrbiterFeederMac(Ptr<Node> orbiter, uint32_t utBeamId) const;
804  Ptr<SatOrbiterUserMac> GetDvbOrbiterUserMac(Ptr<Node> orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const;
814  Ptr<LorawanOrbiterMacGateway> GetLoraOrbiterUserMac(Ptr<Node> orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const;
824  Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederPhy> GetOrbiterFeederPhy(Ptr<Node> orbiter, uint32_t utBeamId) const;
834  Ptr<SatOrbiterUserPhy> GetOrbiterUserPhy(Ptr<Node> orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const;
839  void EnableMapPrint(bool enableMapPrint)
840  {
841  m_enableMapPrint = enableMapPrint;
842  }
848  void PrintTopology(std::ostream& os) const;
855  uint32_t GetClosestSat(GeoCoordinate position);
857  private:
859  SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t m_forwardLinkRegenerationMode; // Regeneration mode on forward link
860  SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t m_returnLinkRegenerationMode; // Regeneration mode on return link
862  std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<Node>> m_gwIds; // List of GW nodes
863  NodeContainer m_gws; // List of GW nodes
864  NodeContainer m_uts; // List of UT nodes
865  NodeContainer m_orbiters; // List of orbiter nodes
866  NodeContainer m_gwUsers; // List of GW user nodes
867  NodeContainer m_utUsers; // List of UT user nodes
868  std::map<Ptr<Node>, NodeContainer> m_detailledUtUsers; // Map associating UT to UT users
870  std::map<Ptr<Node>, GwLayers_s> m_gwLayers; // Map giving protocol layers for all GWs
871  std::map<Ptr<Node>, UtLayers_s> m_utLayers; // Map giving protocol layers for all UTs
872  std::map<Ptr<Node>, OrbiterLayers_s>
873  m_orbiterLayers; // Map giving protocol layers for all orbiters
875  std::map<Ptr<Node>, Ptr<Node>> m_utToGwMap; // Map of GW connected for each UT
876  std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<Node>> m_beamToGwMap; // Map of GW connected for each satellite beam
877  std::map<Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac>, Ptr<SatOrbiterFeederMac>>
878  m_orbiterFeederMacMap; // Map giving which Feeder Mac is really used
880  bool m_enableMapPrint; // Is map printing enabled or not
881 };
883 } // namespace ns3
885 #endif /* SATELLITE_TOPOLOGY_H */
GeoCoordinate class is used to store and operate with geodetic coordinates.
The global standard used.
The regeneration mode used in satellites.
Class to store topology of the whole system.
void AddGwNode(uint32_t gwId, Ptr< Node > gw)
Add a GW node to the topology.
void UpdateUtSatAndBeam(Ptr< Node > ut, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId)
Update satellite and beam associated to a UT.
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederLlc > GetOrbiterFeederLlc(Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t utBeamId) const
Get SatOrbiterFeederLlc instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID.
void AddGwLayersLora(Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t gwSatId, uint32_t gwBeamId, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId, Ptr< SatNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< LorawanGroundMacGateway > mac, Ptr< SatGwPhy > phy)
Add LORA GW layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam.
Ptr< Node > GetGwNode(uint32_t nodeId) const
Get the wanted GW node.
void AddOrbiterFeederLayers(Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t satId, uint32_t utBeamId, Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederLlc > llc, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > mac, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederPhy > phy)
Add orbiter feeder layers for given satellite and beam ID.
void SetStandard(SatEnums::Standard_t standard)
Set standard used (DVB or LORA)
Ptr< SatUtPhy > GetUtPhy(Ptr< Node > ut) const
Get SatUtPhy instance of a UT.
NodeContainer GetUtNodes() const
Get the list of UT nodes.
Ptr< SatUtMac > GetDvbUtMac(Ptr< Node > ut) const
Get SatUtMac instance of a DVB UT.
void Reset()
Function for resetting the variables.
NodeContainer GetUtUserNodes() const
Get the list of UT user nodes.
uint32_t GetOrbiterSatId(Ptr< Node > orbiter) const
Get ID of a given orbiter.
std::map< Ptr< Node >, GwLayers_s > m_gwLayers
std::map< Ptr< Node >, Ptr< Node > > m_utToGwMap
Ptr< LorawanOrbiterMacGateway > GetLoraOrbiterUserMac(Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const
Get LorawanOrbiterMacGateway instance of a LORA orbiter serving wanted beam ID.
Ptr< SatGwPhy > GetGwPhy(Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const
Get SatGwPhy instance of a GW.
void AddUtUserNode(Ptr< Node > utUser, Ptr< Node > ut)
Add a UT user node to the topology.
SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t m_returnLinkRegenerationMode
uint32_t GetGwBeamId(Ptr< Node > gw) const
Get ID of beam linked to a GW.
Ptr< Node > GetGwFromUt(Ptr< Node > ut) const
Get GW connected to a given UT.
SatEnums::Standard_t GetStandard()
Get standard used (DVB or LORA)
uint32_t GetUtGroupId(Ptr< Node > ut) const
Get ID of group linked to a UT.
Ptr< SatOrbiterUserPhy > GetOrbiterUserPhy(Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const
Get SatOrbiterUserPhy instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID.
Ptr< Node > GetNodeFromId(uint32_t nodeId) const
Get the wanted node from its node ID.
Ptr< SatNetDevice > GetGwNetDevice(Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const
Get SatNetDevice instance of a GW.
void AddUtLayersLora(Ptr< Node > ut, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId, uint32_t groupId, Ptr< SatNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< LorawanMacEndDevice > mac, Ptr< SatUtPhy > phy)
Add LORA UT layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam.
Ptr< Node > GetOrbiterNode(uint32_t nodeId) const
Get the wanted orbiter node.
NodeContainer m_utUsers
void PrintTopology(std::ostream &os) const
Print all the satellite topology.
uint32_t GetClosestSat(GeoCoordinate position)
Get closest satellite to a ground station.
std::map< Ptr< Node >, OrbiterLayers_s > m_orbiterLayers
uint32_t GetNUtUserNodes() const
Get the number of UT user nodes.
void DoDispose()
Do needed dispose actions.
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< Node > > m_gwIds
NodeContainer GetGwUserNodes() const
Get the list of GW user nodes.
SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t GetForwardLinkRegenerationMode()
Get forward link regeneration mode.
Ptr< LorawanGroundMacGateway > GetLoraGwMac(Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const
Get SatGwMac instance of a LORA GW.
void EnableMapPrint(bool enableMapPrint)
Function for enabling the map prints.
Ptr< SatOrbiterUserMac > GetDvbOrbiterUserMac(Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const
Get SatOrbiterUserMac instance of a DVB orbiter serving wanted beam ID.
void ConnectGwToUt(Ptr< Node > ut, Ptr< Node > gw)
Connect a GW to a UT.
void UpdateGwConnectedToUt(Ptr< Node > ut, Ptr< Node > gw)
Connect a new GW to a UT.
std::map< Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac >, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > > m_orbiterFeederMacMap
SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t GetReturnLinkRegenerationMode()
Get return link regeneration mode.
void AddUtLayersDvb(Ptr< Node > ut, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId, uint32_t groupId, Ptr< SatNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< SatUtLlc > llc, Ptr< SatUtMac > mac, Ptr< SatUtPhy > phy)
Add DVB UT layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam.
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederPhy > GetOrbiterFeederPhy(Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t utBeamId) const
Get SatOrbiterFeederPhy instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID.
Ptr< SatGwMac > GetDvbGwMac(Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const
Get SatGwMac instance of a DVB GW.
SatEnums::Standard_t m_standard
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > GetOrbiterFeederMac(Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t utBeamId) const
Get SatOrbiterFeederMac instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID.
Ptr< Node > GetGwUserNode(uint32_t nodeId) const
Get the wanted GW user node.
uint32_t GetNOrbiterNodes() const
Get the number of orbiter nodes.
void SetForwardLinkRegenerationMode(SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t forwardLinkRegenerationMode)
Set forward link regeneration mode.
Ptr< SatUtLlc > GetUtLlc(Ptr< Node > ut) const
Get SatUtLlc instance of a UT.
NodeContainer GetOrbiterNodes() const
Get the list of orbiter nodes.
Ptr< Node > GetUtUserNode(uint32_t nodeId) const
Get the wanted UT user node.
uint32_t GetUtBeamId(Ptr< Node > ut) const
Get ID of beam linked to a UT.
std::map< Ptr< Node >, NodeContainer > m_detailledUtUsers
void AddOrbiterFeederMacPair(Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > mac, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > usedMac)
Create an association between a feeder MAC layer, and the entity really used.
NodeContainer GetGwNodes() const
Get the list of GW nodes.
Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice > GetOrbiterNetDevice(Ptr< Node > orbiter) const
Get SatOrbiterNetDevice instance of an orbiter.
void SetReturnLinkRegenerationMode(SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t returnLinkRegenerationMode)
Set return link regeneration mode.
void AddUtNode(Ptr< Node > ut)
Add a UT node to the topology.
Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > GetOrbiterFeederMacUsed(Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > mac) const
Get feeder MAC really used to connect to a GW.
void AddGwLayersDvb(Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t gwSatId, uint32_t gwBeamId, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId, Ptr< SatNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< SatGwLlc > llc, Ptr< SatGwMac > mac, Ptr< SatGwPhy > phy)
Add DVB GW layers for given node, associated to chosen satellite and beam.
void ConnectGwToBeam(uint32_t beamId, Ptr< Node > gw)
Connect a GW to a Beam.
uint32_t GetNGwNodes() const
Get the number of GW nodes.
void UpdateGwSatAndBeam(Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId)
Update satellite and beam associated to a GW.
uint32_t GetNGwUserNodes() const
Get the number of GW user nodes.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
NS-3 type id function.
Ptr< SatNetDevice > GetUtNetDevice(Ptr< Node > ut) const
Get SatNetDevice instance of a UT.
NodeContainer m_orbiters
void AddGwUserNode(Ptr< Node > gwUser)
Add a GW user node to the topology.
Ptr< Node > GetGwFromBeam(uint32_t beamId) const
Get GW connected to a given beam ID.
uint32_t GetUtSatId(Ptr< Node > ut) const
Get ID of satellite linked to a UT.
NodeContainer m_gwUsers
Ptr< SatGwLlc > GetGwLlc(Ptr< Node > gw, uint32_t utSatId, uint32_t utBeamId) const
Get SatGwLlc instance of a GW.
void UpdateUtGroup(Ptr< Node > ut, uint32_t groupId)
Update satellite and beam associated to a UT.
SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t m_forwardLinkRegenerationMode
void AddOrbiterNode(Ptr< Node > orbiter)
Add an orbiter node to the topology.
void AddOrbiterUserLayersDvb(Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId, Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserLlc > llc, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserMac > mac, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserPhy > phy)
Add DVB orbiter user layers for given satellite and beam ID.
void AddOrbiterUserLayersLora(Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId, Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice > netDevice, Ptr< LorawanOrbiterMacGateway > mac, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserPhy > phy)
Add LORA orbiter user layers for given satellite and beam ID.
Ptr< Node > GetUtNode(Ptr< Node > utUser) const
Get UT node linked to some UT user.
void DisconnectGwFromUt(Ptr< Node > ut)
Disconnect a GW from a UT.
Ptr< SatOrbiterUserLlc > GetOrbiterUserLlc(Ptr< Node > orbiter, uint32_t beamId) const
Get SatOrbiterUserLlc instance of an orbiter serving wanted beam ID.
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< Node > > m_beamToGwMap
Mac48Address GetGwAddressInUt(uint32_t utId)
Set the value of GW address for a UT.
Ptr< LorawanMacEndDevice > GetLoraUtMac(Ptr< Node > ut) const
Get SatUtMac instance of a LORA UT.
std::map< Ptr< Node >, UtLayers_s > m_utLayers
uint32_t GetNUtNodes() const
Get the number of UT nodes.
uint32_t GetGwSatId(Ptr< Node > gw) const
Get ID of satellite linked to a GW.
SatArqSequenceNumber is handling the sequence numbers for the ARQ process.
std::map< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t >, Ptr< SatGwLlc > > m_llc
std::map< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t >, Ptr< SatGwPhy > > m_phy
std::map< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t >, Ptr< SatNetDevice > > m_netDevice
std::map< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t >, Ptr< LorawanGroundMacGateway > > m_loraMac
std::map< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t >, Ptr< SatGwMac > > m_dvbMac
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserPhy > > m_userPhy
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserLlc > > m_userLlc
Ptr< SatOrbiterNetDevice > m_netDevice
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederLlc > > m_feederLlc
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederPhy > > m_feederPhy
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< SatOrbiterFeederMac > > m_feederMac
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< SatOrbiterUserMac > > m_dvbUserMac
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< LorawanOrbiterMacGateway > > m_loraUserMac
Ptr< LorawanMacEndDevice > m_loraMac
Ptr< SatNetDevice > m_netDevice