35 #include <ns3/callback.h>
36 #include <ns3/nstime.h>
38 #include <ns3/traced-callback.h>
39 #include <ns3/traced-value.h>
52 class SatSuperframeSeq;
57 class SatTimeSlotConf;
58 class SatTbtpContainer;
59 class UniformRandomVariable;
105 Ptr<SatSuperframeSeq> seq,
106 bool crdsaOnlyForControl);
263 virtual void SetNodeInfo(Ptr<SatNodeInfo> nodeInfo);
416 uint32_t allocationChannel,
429 Ptr<SatFrameConf> frameConf,
430 uint32_t timeSlotCount,
431 uint32_t superFrameId,
432 uint32_t allocationChannel);
444 Ptr<SatFrameConf> frameConf,
445 uint32_t timeSlotCount,
446 uint32_t superFrameId,
447 uint32_t allocationChannel);
457 uint32_t allocationChannelId,
483 Ptr<SatTimeSlotConf> tsConf,
499 Ptr<SatTimeSlotConf> tsConf,
513 Ptr<SatWaveform> waveform,
528 Ptr<SatWaveform> waveform,
556 uint32_t payloadBytes,
560 bool randomAccessChannel);
732 SatTimuInfo(uint32_t beamId, uint32_t satId, Address satAddress, Address gwAddress);
The defined random access trigger types.
Base MAC class for SatNetDevices.
SatSignalParameters::PacketsInBurst_t PacketContainer_t
Define PacketContainer in SatPhy.
Types for time slot.
Address GetGwAddress() const
Address GetSatAddress() const
uint32_t GetBeamId() const
SatTimuInfo(uint32_t beamId, uint32_t satId, Address satAddress, Address gwAddress)
uint32_t GetSatId() const
UT specific Mac class for Sat Net Devices.
void SetRandomAccess(Ptr< SatRandomAccess > randomAccess)
Set the random access module.
Ptr< SatSuperframeSeq > m_superframeSeq
Used superframe sequence for the return link.
Callback< bool > TxCheckCallback
Callback to check if TX is operational.
virtual void ReceiveQueueEventEssa(SatQueue::QueueEvent_t event, uint8_t rcIndex)
Receive a queue event:
Ptr< SatTbtpContainer > m_tbtpContainer
Container for storing all the TBTP information related to this UT.
virtual void Receive(SatPhy::PacketContainer_t packets, Ptr< SatSignalParameters >)
Receive packet from lower layer.
Time m_guardTime
Guard time for time slots.
void DoEssaTransmit(Time duration, Ptr< SatWaveform > waveform, uint32_t carrierId, uint8_t rcIndex, SatUtScheduler::SatCompliancePolicy_t policy=SatUtScheduler::LOOSE)
Notify the upper layer about the ESSA Tx opportunity.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Derived from Object.
int64_t m_deltaNcr
Correction to apply to NCR dates.
void PrintUsedRandomAccessSlots()
uint32_t m_beamId
ID of beam for UT.
uint32_t m_handoverMessagesCount
Time m_maxWaitingTimeLogonResponse
Timeout for waiting for a response for a logon message.
std::pair< bool, uint32_t > SearchFrameForAvailableSlot(Time superframeStartTime, Ptr< SatFrameConf > frameConf, uint32_t timeSlotCount, uint32_t superFrameId, uint32_t allocationChannel)
Callback< void, uint32_t, uint32_t > HandoverCallback
Callback to reconfigure physical layer during handover.
void SetAssignedDaResourcesCallback(SatUtMac::AssignedDaResourcesCallback cb)
Set the assigned DA resources callback.
SatUtMac::HandoverCallback m_handoverCallback
The physical layer handover callback.
SatUtMacState::RcstState_t GetRcstState() const
uint64_t m_ncr
NCR value of last NCR control message.
void SendLogon(Ptr< Packet > packet)
Receive a logon message to transmit /param packet The logon packet to send.
virtual void SetSatelliteAddress(Address satelliteAddress)
Set the satellite MAC address on the other side of this link (if regenerative satellite).
void ScheduleTimeSlots(Ptr< SatTbtpMessage > tbtp)
Schedules time slots according to received TBTP message.
void SetHandoverCallback(SatUtMac::HandoverCallback cb)
Method to set handover callback.
virtual void ReceiveQueueEvent(SatQueue::QueueEvent_t event, uint8_t rcIndex)
Receive a queue event:
Callback< void, Mac48Address > UpdateGwAddressCallback
Callback to update GW address to SatRequestManager.
Callback< void > SendLogonCallback
Callback to send a logon message to the gateway.
SatUtMac::SliceSubscriptionCallback m_sliceSubscriptionCallback
Tx checking callback.
Time GetRealSendingTime(Time t)
Compute real sending time of UT based on last NCR reception date and clock drift.
void ScheduleEssaTransmission(uint32_t allocationChannel)
Function for scheduling the ESSA transmissions.
virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId(void) const
Derived from Object.
SatUtMac::UpdateAddressAndIdentifierCallback m_updateAddressAndIdentifierCallback
Callback to update addresses in statistics helpers.
void SetTxCheckCallback(SatUtMac::TxCheckCallback cb)
Set the TX check callback.
bool IsRandomAccessSlotAvailable(uint32_t superFrameId, uint32_t allocationChannelId, uint32_t slotId)
Ptr< SatTimuInfo > m_timuInfo
void RemovePastRandomAccessSlots(uint32_t superFrameId)
Function for removing the past used RA slots.
void ScheduleCrdsaTransmission(uint32_t allocationChannel, SatRandomAccess::RandomAccessTxOpportunities_s txOpportunities)
Function for scheduling the CRDSA transmissions.
Callback< Time > TimingAdvanceCallback
uint32_t GetBeamId() const
Get beam ID of the object.
uint32_t m_maxHandoverMessagesSent
void SetUpdateGwAddressCallback(SatUtMac::UpdateGwAddressCallback cb)
Set the gw update callback.
SatUtMac::UpdateGwAddressCallback m_updateGwAddressCallback
Callback for sending a logon message.
uint32_t m_firstTransmittableSuperframeId
std::map< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t >, std::set< uint32_t > > m_usedRandomAccessSlots
A container for storing the used RA slots in each frame and allocation channel.
void SetSliceSubscriptionCallback(SatUtMac::SliceSubscriptionCallback cb)
Get sliec subscription info from MAC layer.
void DoSlottedAlohaTransmit(Time duration, Ptr< SatWaveform > waveform, uint32_t carrierId, uint8_t rcIndex, SatUtScheduler::SatCompliancePolicy_t policy=SatUtScheduler::LOOSE)
Notify the upper layer about the Slotted ALOHA Tx opportunity.
uint32_t m_crdsaUniquePacketId
CRDSA packet ID (per frame)
Time m_lastNcrDateReceived
Reception date of last NCR control message.
void SetSendLogonCallback(SatUtMac::SendLogonCallback cb)
Set the logon callback.
Destroy a SatUtMac.
Time m_windowInitLogon
The initial max time to wait when sending a logon message.
Time GetNextSuperFrameTxTime(uint8_t superFrameSeqId) const
Get Tx time for the next possible superframe.
SatUtMac::GatewayUpdateCallback m_gatewayUpdateCallback
Gateway address update callback.
void ScheduleSlottedAlohaTransmission(uint32_t allocationChannel)
Function for scheduling the Slotted ALOHA transmissions.
HandoverState_t m_handoverState
void(* TbtpResourcesTraceCallback)(uint32_t size)
Callback signature for DaResourcesTrace trace source.
uint32_t GetCurrentSuperFrameId(uint8_t superFrameSeqId) const
void SetRaChannel(uint32_t raChannel)
Set RA channel assigned for this UT.
Mac48Address GetGwAddress()
Get address of the GW (or its MAC) serving this UT.
std::queue< Time > m_receptionDates
Store last 3 packets reception date, to be associated to NCR dates.
void ExtractPacketsToSchedule(SatPhy::PacketContainer_t &packets, uint32_t payloadBytes, SatTimeSlotConf::SatTimeSlotType_t type, uint8_t rcIndex, SatUtScheduler::SatCompliancePolicy_t policy, bool randomAccessChannel)
Extract packets from the underlying queue and put them in the provided container.
SatUtMacState m_rcstState
Time m_nextPacketTime
Next time when a next ESSA packet can be safely sent.
uint32_t m_logonChannel
RA channel dedicated to logon messages.
void ReceiveSignalingPacket(Ptr< Packet > packet)
Signaling packet receiver, which handles all the signaling packet receptions.
void SetTimingAdvanceCallback(SatUtMac::TimingAdvanceCallback cb)
Set the timing advance callback.
SatPhy::PacketContainer_t FetchPackets(uint32_t payloadBytes, SatTimeSlotConf::SatTimeSlotType_t type, uint8_t rcIndex, SatUtScheduler::SatCompliancePolicy_t policy)
Callback< void, uint8_t, uint32_t > AssignedDaResourcesCallback
Callback for informing the amount of dedicated access bytes received from TBTP.
TracedCallback< uint32_t > m_tbtpResourcesTrace
Assigned TBTP resources in superframe for this UT (in bytes).
std::pair< bool, uint32_t > FindNextAvailableRandomAccessSlot(Time opportunityOffset, Ptr< SatFrameConf > frameConf, uint32_t timeSlotCount, uint32_t superFrameId, uint32_t allocationChannel)
bool m_crdsaOnlyForControl
Planned CRDSA usage:
SatUtMac(const SatUtMac &)
void DoDispose(void)
Dispose of SatUtMac.
uint32_t GetNextRandomAccessAllocationChannel()
Function for selecting the allocation channel for the current RA evaluation.
void SetLogonChannel(uint32_t channelId)
void ScheduleDaTxOpportunity(Time transmitDelay, Time duration, Ptr< SatWaveform > wf, Ptr< SatTimeSlotConf > tsConf, uint32_t carrierId)
Schdules one Tx opportunity, i.e.
Default constructor, which is not used.
Ptr< Node > m_node
Node containing this MAC.
Ptr< SatUtScheduler > m_utScheduler
UT scheduler.
bool UpdateUsedRandomAccessSlots(uint32_t superFrameId, uint32_t allocationChannel, uint32_t slot)
Function for updating the used RA slots.
void TransmitPackets(SatPhy::PacketContainer_t packets, Time duration, uint32_t carrierId, SatSignalParameters::txInfo_s txInfo)
void CreateCrdsaPacketInstances(uint32_t allocationChannel, std::set< uint32_t > slots)
Ptr< SatRandomAccess > m_randomAccess
RA main module.
bool m_isRandomAccessScheduled
Flag that indicates if a method DoRandomAccess is scheduled for asynchronous access.
TimingAdvanceCallback m_timingAdvanceCb
Callback for getting the timing advance information.
uint32_t m_satId
ID of sat for UT.
uint32_t GetSatId() const
Get sat ID of the object.
bool ControlMsgTransmissionPossible() const
Method to check whether a transmission of a control msg is somewhat possible.
int32_t m_clockDrift
Clock drift (number of ticks per second)
void DoTransmit(Time duration, uint32_t carrierId, Ptr< SatWaveform > wf, Ptr< SatTimeSlotConf > tsConf, SatUtScheduler::SatCompliancePolicy_t policy=SatUtScheduler::LOOSE)
Notify the upper layer about the Tx opportunity.
void DoFrameStart()
Function which is executed at every frame start.
Callback< void, Mac48Address > GatewayUpdateCallback
Callback to update gateway address after handover.
Time m_nextLogonTransmissionPossible
Instant when a logon message can be transmitted.
Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > m_waitingTimeLogonRng
The random generator for waiting transmission time.
void SetGwAddress(Mac48Address gwAddress)
Set address of the GW (or its MAC) serving this UT.
SatUtMac & operator=(const SatUtMac &)
bool LogonMsgTransmissionPossible() const
Method to check whether a transmission of a logon msg is somewhat possible.
Time GetCurrentSuperFrameStartTime(uint8_t superFrameSeqId) const
Get start time for the current superframe.
void SetGatewayUpdateCallback(SatUtMac::GatewayUpdateCallback cb)
Method to set the gateway address update callback.
bool m_useLogon
Should logon be simulated?
virtual void SetNodeInfo(Ptr< SatNodeInfo > nodeInfo)
Set the node info.
uint32_t m_sendLogonTries
Number of times a logon message has been sent without response.
uint32_t m_raChannel
RA channel assigned to the UT.
uint32_t GetRaChannel() const
Get RA channel assigned for this UT.
void SetUpdateAddressAndIdentifierCallback(SatUtMac::UpdateAddressAndIdentifierCallback cb)
Set the callback to update addresses in statistics helpers.
void DoRandomAccess(SatEnums::RandomAccessTriggerType_t randomAccessTriggerType)
Do random access evaluation for Tx opportunities.
Callback< void, uint8_t > SliceSubscriptionCallback
Callback to check if TX is operational.
Callback< void, Ptr< Node > > UpdateAddressAndIdentifierCallback
Callback to update addresses in statistics helpers.
Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > m_uniformRandomVariable
Uniform random variable distribution generator.
AssignedDaResourcesCallback m_assignedDaResourcesCallback
Callback for informing the assigned TBTP resources.
SatUtMac::SendLogonCallback m_sendLogonCallback
Callback for sending a logon message.
bool m_loggedOn
UT is logged on.
SatUtMac::TxCheckCallback m_txCheckCallback
Tx checking callback.
Class handling UT Mac states and transitions.
Enum describing the wanted scheduler policy.
SatArqSequenceNumber is handling the sequence numbers for the ARQ process.
Random access Tx opportunities.
Struct for storing the packet specific Tx information.