31 #include <ns3/address.h>
32 #include <ns3/callback.h>
33 #include <ns3/mac48-address.h>
35 #include <ns3/traced-callback.h>
46 class SatBeamScheduler;
77 SatMac(uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId);
144 typedef Callback<void, SatPhy::PacketContainer_t, uint32_t, Time, SatSignalParameters::txInfo_s>
263 virtual void SetNodeInfo(Ptr<SatNodeInfo> nodeInfo);
410 TracedCallback<Ptr<const Packet>,
const Address&>
Link direction used for packet tracing.
Node type used for packet tracing.
Packet event used for packet tracing.
Log level used for packet tracing.
The regeneration mode used in satellites.
Base MAC class for SatNetDevices.
Callback< void > UpdateIslCallback
Callback to update ISL routes when handovers are performed.
TracedCallback< const Time &, const Address & > m_rxJitterTrace
Traced callback for all received packets, including jitter information and the address of the senders...
uint32_t GetBeamId() const
Get beam ID of the object.
SatMac::TransmitCallback m_txCallback
The lower layer packet transmit callback.
void RxTraces(SatPhy::PacketContainer_t packets)
Invoke the Rx trace source for each received packet.
void SetBeamSchedulerCallback(SatMac::BeamSchedulerCallback cb)
Set the beam scheduler callback.
uint32_t ReserveIdAndStoreCtrlMsgToContainer(Ptr< SatControlMessage > msg)
Reserve id and store the control message.
void SetBeamId(uint32_t beamId)
Set beam ID of the object.
TracedCallback< Time > m_beamServiceTrace
Traced callback for beam being disabled and including service time.
uint32_t m_beamId
The ID of the beam where mac belongs.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Derived from Object.
void SetReserveCtrlCallback(SatMac::ReserveCtrlMsgCallback cb)
Method to set reserve control message id callback.
virtual void SetSatelliteAddress(Address satelliteAddress)
Set the satellite MAC address on the other side of this link (if regenerative satellite).
Callback< void, SatPhy::PacketContainer_t, uint32_t, Time, SatSignalParameters::txInfo_s > TransmitCallback
Callback to send packet to lower layer.
Address GetAddress() const
Get MAC address.
SatMac::BeamSchedulerCallback m_beamSchedulerCallback
Callback to get the SatBeamScheduler linked to a beam ID.
Callback< Ptr< SatBeamScheduler >, uint32_t, uint32_t > BeamSchedulerCallback
Callback to get the SatBeamScheduler from the beam ID for handover.
void SetTransmitCallback(SatMac::TransmitCallback cb)
Method to set transmit callback.
bool m_isStatisticsTagsEnabled
EnableStatisticsTags attribute.
Time m_beamEnabledTime
Time of the last beam enable event.
SatMac::RoutingUpdateCallback m_routingUpdateCallback
Callback to update routing and ARP tables after a beam handover.
std::queue< Ptr< SatNcrMessage > > m_ncrMessagesToSend
List of NCR control messages created but not sent yet.
TracedCallback< Time, SatEnums::SatPacketEvent_t, SatEnums::SatNodeType_t, uint32_t, Mac48Address, SatEnums::SatLogLevel_t, SatEnums::SatLinkDir_t, std::string > m_packetTrace
Trace callback used for packet tracing.
SatMac::SendCtrlMsgCallback m_sendCtrlCallback
The send control message callback.
void SetTimeTag(SatPhy::PacketContainer_t packets)
Set SatMacTimeTag of packets.
Callback< uint32_t, Ptr< SatControlMessage > > ReserveCtrlMsgCallback
Callback to reserve an id and initially store the control message.
Address m_satelliteAddress
MAC address of satellite on other side of the link.
virtual void Enable()
Enable the MAC layer, i.e.
SatMac::LoraReceiveCallback m_rxLoraCallback
The upper layer package receive callback.
void SetSendCtrlCallback(SatMac::SendCtrlMsgCallback cb)
Method to set send control message callback.
virtual void SetNodeInfo(Ptr< SatNodeInfo > nodeInfo)
Set the node info.
uint32_t GetSatId() const
Get sat ID of the object.
void DoDispose(void)
Dispose of SatMac.
virtual void ReceiveQueueEvent(SatQueue::QueueEvent_t event, uint8_t flowIndex)
Receive a queue event:
TracedCallback< const Time &, const Address & > m_rxLinkJitterTrace
Traced callback for all received packets, including link jitter information and the address of the se...
TracedCallback< const Time &, const Address & > m_rxDelayTrace
Traced callback for all received packets, including delay information and the address of the senders.
Time m_lastDelay
Last delay measurement.
Callback< void, Ptr< const Packet > > LoraReceiveCallback
Callback to receive packet by upper layer.
Destroy a SatMac.
void SetRoutingUpdateCallback(SatMac::RoutingUpdateCallback cb)
Method to set the routing update callback.
SatMac::ReceiveCallback m_rxCallback
The upper layer package receive callback.
bool m_ncrV2
Use of version 2 of NCR dates.
SatMac & operator=(const SatMac &)
void SetUpdateIslCallback(SatMac::UpdateIslCallback cb)
Method to set update ISL callback.
bool m_isRegenerative
Indicate if satellite is regeneration (at least LINK level) for TX.
Callback< void, Address, Address > RoutingUpdateCallback
Callback to update routing and ARP tables after handover.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet >, const Address & > m_rxTrace
Traced callback for all received packets, including the address of the senders.
Callback< void, Ptr< Packet >, Mac48Address, Mac48Address > ReceiveCallback
Callback to receive packet by upper layer.
void SetSatId(uint32_t satId)
Set sat ID of the object.
Ptr< SatHandoverModule > m_handoverModule
Module used to perform handovers.
void SetReadCtrlCallback(SatMac::ReadCtrlMsgCallback cb)
Method to set read control message callback.
void SetHandoverModule(Ptr< SatHandoverModule > handoverModule)
Set the handover module.
bool m_txEnabled
Flag indicating whether the MAC is enabled, i.e.
TracedCallback< const Time &, const Address & > m_rxLinkDelayTrace
Traced callback for all received packets, including link delay information and the address of the sen...
SatMac::ReadCtrlMsgCallback m_readCtrlCallback
The read control message callback.
Callback< uint32_t, uint32_t > SendCtrlMsgCallback
Callback to send a control message and allocate a recv ID for it.
Construct a SatMac.
SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t m_forwardLinkRegenerationMode
Regeneration mode on forward link.
Ptr< SatNodeInfo > m_nodeInfo
Node info containing node related information, such as node type, node id and MAC address (of the Sat...
void SetLoraReceiveCallback(SatMac::LoraReceiveCallback cb)
Method to set receive callback.
SatEnums::RegenerationMode_t m_returnLinkRegenerationMode
Regeneration mode on return link.
uint32_t SendCtrlMsgFromContainer(uint32_t sendId)
Send the control message from the container.
Time m_lastLinkDelay
Last delay measurement for link.
Callback< Ptr< SatControlMessage >, uint32_t > ReadCtrlMsgCallback
Callback to read control messages from container storing control messages.
void SetReceiveCallback(SatMac::ReceiveCallback cb)
Method to set receive callback.
SatMac::ReserveCtrlMsgCallback m_reserveCtrlCallback
The reserve control message id callback.
uint32_t m_satId
The ID of the sat where mac belongs.
virtual void Disable()
Disable the MAC layer, i.e.
virtual void SendPacket(SatPhy::PacketContainer_t packets, uint32_t carrierId, Time duration, SatSignalParameters::txInfo_s txInfo)
Send packets to lower layer by using a callback.
std::queue< Time > m_lastSOF
Store last 3 SOF date for Forward messages, to insert in NCR packets.
SatMac::UpdateIslCallback m_updateIslCallback
The update ISL routes callback.
SatSignalParameters::PacketsInBurst_t PacketContainer_t
Define PacketContainer in SatPhy.
SatArqSequenceNumber is handling the sequence numbers for the ARQ process.
Struct for storing the packet specific Tx information.