20 #ifndef __SATELLITE_HELPER_H__
21 #define __SATELLITE_HELPER_H__
29 #include <ns3/csma-helper.h>
30 #include <ns3/ipv4-address-helper.h>
31 #include <ns3/node-container.h>
32 #include <ns3/object.h>
33 #include <ns3/output-stream-wrapper.h>
34 #include <ns3/satellite-antenna-gain-pattern-container.h>
35 #include <ns3/satellite-fading-input-trace-container.h>
36 #include <ns3/satellite-fading-output-trace-container.h>
37 #include <ns3/satellite-interference-input-trace-container.h>
38 #include <ns3/satellite-interference-output-trace-container.h>
39 #include <ns3/satellite-position-allocator.h>
40 #include <ns3/satellite-rx-power-input-trace-container.h>
41 #include <ns3/satellite-rx-power-output-trace-container.h>
42 #include <ns3/satellite-stats-helper-container.h>
43 #include <ns3/trace-helper.h>
143 std::string inputFileUtListPositions,
258 NodeContainer receivers,
259 Ipv4Address sourceAddress,
260 Ipv4Address groupAddress);
485 std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>& isls);
558 void SetUtMobility(NodeContainer uts, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId);
573 std::vector<std::pair<GeoCoordinate, uint32_t>> positionsAndGroupId);
605 std::pair<Ptr<NetDevice>, Ptr<NetDevice>>& matchingDevices);
630 NodeContainer receivers,
632 Ptr<NetDevice>& routerUserOutputDev);
649 const Ipv4Address& firstNetwork,
650 const Ipv4Mask& mask,
651 const std::set<uint32_t>& networkAddresses,
652 uint32_t networkCount,
653 uint32_t hostCount)
std::set< Ptr< Node > > MulticastBeamInfoItem_t
std::map< uint32_t, std::set< Ptr< Node > > > MulticastBeamInfo_t
Class that holds information for each beam regarding UTs and their users camped in each beam.
The global standard used.
Build a satellite network set with needed objects and configuration.
Ptr< SatUserHelper > GetUserHelper() const
void LoadConstellationTopology(std::vector< std::string > &tles, std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t >> &isls)
Load a constellation topology.
std::string m_waveformConfDirectoryName
void CreatePredefinedScenario(PreDefinedScenario_t scenario)
Create a pre-defined SatHelper to make life easier when creating Satellite topologies.
Ipv4Mask m_beamNetworkMask
Network mask number of satellite devices.
std::string m_utCreationFileName
File name for UT creation trace output.
Default constructor.
static void CreationDetailsSink(Ptr< OutputStreamWrapper > stream, std::string context, std::string info)
Sink for creation details traces.
SatEnums::Standard_t m_standard
std::multimap< uint32_t, uint32_t > m_mobileUtsUsersByBeam
List of users by mobile UT by beam ID.
void SetUtMobilityFromPosition(NodeContainer uts, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId, std::vector< std::pair< GeoCoordinate, uint32_t >> positionsAndGroupId)
Sets mobility to created UT nodes when position is known.
Ptr< SatSpotBeamPositionAllocator > GetBeamAllocator(uint32_t beamId)
Create a SatSpotBeamPositionAllocator able to generate random position within the given beam.
Ipv4Address m_beamNetworkAddress
Initial network number of satellite devices, e.g.,
std::string m_wfConfigFileName
File name for Waveform configurations file.
void CreateLargerScenario()
Creates satellite objects according to larger scenario.
bool m_handoversEnabled
Enable handovers for all UTs and GWs.
void SetGwMobility(NodeContainer gwNodes)
Sets mobilities to created GW nodes.
Ipv4Address m_gwNetworkAddress
Initial network number of GW, router, and GW users, e.g.,
Callback< uint32_t > GetNextUtUserCountCallback
Get number of Users for a UT.
void CheckNetwork(std::string networkName, const Ipv4Address &firstNetwork, const Ipv4Mask &mask, const std::set< uint32_t > &networkAddresses, uint32_t networkCount, uint32_t hostCount) const
Check validity of the configured network space.
Ipv4Mask m_utNetworkMask
Network mask number of UT and UT users.
void InstallMobilityObserver(uint32_t satId, NodeContainer nodes) const
Install Satellite Mobility Observer to nodes, if observer doesn't exist already in a node.
void ReadStandard(std::string pathName)
Read to standard use from file given in path.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Get the type ID.
void SetGwAddressInUts()
Set the value of GW address for each UT.
std::string m_scenarioCreationFileName
File name for scenario creation trace output.
BeamUserInfoMap_t m_beamUserInfos
Info for beam creation in user defined scenario.
void DoCreateScenario(BeamUserInfoMap_t &info, uint32_t gwUsers)
Creates satellite objects according to given beam info.
uint32_t m_utsInBeam
Number of UTs created per Beam in full or user-defined scenario.
std::string m_scenarioPath
Scenario folder path.
std::string m_gwPosFileName
Ipv4Address GetUserAddress(Ptr< Node > node)
void SetCustomUtPositionAllocator(Ptr< SatListPositionAllocator > posAllocator)
Set custom position allocator.
void SetGroupHelper(Ptr< SatGroupHelper > groupHelper)
set the group helper.
std::string m_fwdConfFileName
bool m_creationTraces
flag to indicate if creation trace should be enabled for scenario creation.
virtual ~SatHelper()
Destructor for SatHelper.
void SetBeamRoutingConstellations()
Populate the routes, when using constellations.
SatBeamHelper::MulticastBeamInfo_t MulticastBeamInfo_t
static const uint16_t MAX_ADDRESS_PREFIX_LENGTH
TypeId GetInstanceTypeId(void) const
Get the type ID of object instance.
Ptr< SatConf > m_satConf
Configuration for satellite network.
void SetAntennaGainPatterns(Ptr< SatAntennaGainPatternContainer > antennaGainPattern)
Set the antenna gain patterns.
Ptr< OutputStreamWrapper > m_creationTraceStream
Stream wrapper used for creation traces.
bool ConstructMulticastInfo(Ptr< Node > sourceUtNode, NodeContainer receivers, MulticastBeamInfo_t &beamInfo, Ptr< NetDevice > &routerUserOutputDev)
Construct multicast information from source UT node and group receivers.
std::string m_rtnConfFileName
Configuration file names as attributes of this class.
void LoadConstellationScenario(BeamUserInfoMap_t &info, GetNextUtUserCountCallback getNextUtUserCountCallback)
Load satellite objects according to constellation parameters.
bool m_packetTraces
flag to indicate if packet trace should be enabled after scenario creation.
void SetSatMobility(Ptr< Node > node)
Sets mobility to created Sat node.
Values for pre-defined scenarios to be used by helper when building satellite network topology base.
LARGER Larger scenario used as base.
FULL Full scenario used as base.
SIMPLE Simple scenario used as base.
Ptr< SatAntennaGainPatternContainer > GetAntennaGainPatterns()
TracedCallback< std::string > m_creationSummaryTrace
Trace callback for creation traces (summary)
bool IsSatConstellationEnabled()
void SetUtMobility(NodeContainer uts, uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId)
Sets mobility to created UT nodes.
void EnableCreationTraces()
Enables creation traces to be written in given file.
bool m_detailedCreationTraces
flag to indicate if detailed creation trace should be enabled for scenario creation.
void CreationSummarySink(std::string title)
Sink for creation summary traces.
std::string CreateCreationSummary(std::string title)
Creates trace summary starting with give title.
Ptr< OutputStreamWrapper > m_utTraceStream
Stream wrapper used for UT position traces.
Ptr< SatUserHelper > m_userHelper
User helper.
void SetUtPositionAllocatorForBeam(uint32_t beamId, Ptr< SatListPositionAllocator > posAllocator)
Set custom position allocator for specific beam.
void EnablePacketTrace()
Enable packet traces.
uint32_t GetBeamCount() const
Get count of the beams (configurations).
SatBeamHelper::MulticastBeamInfoItem_t MulticastBeamInfoItem_t
Ptr< SatAntennaGainPatternContainer > m_antennaGainPatterns
Antenna gain patterns for all spot-beams.
void CreateFullScenario()
Creates satellite objects according to full scenario.
std::map< uint32_t, NodeContainer > m_mobileUtsByBeam
List of mobile UTs by beam ID.
Ptr< SatGroupHelper > GetGroupHelper() const
void CreateSimpleScenario()
Creates satellite objects according to simple scenario.
bool m_scenarioCreated
flag to check if scenario is already created.
Ptr< SatGroupHelper > m_groupHelper
Group helper.
std::string m_satPosFileName
void SetNetworkAddresses(BeamUserInfoMap_t &info, uint32_t gwUsers) const
Set configured network addresses to user and beam helpers.
void CreateUserDefinedScenarioFromListPositions(uint32_t satId, BeamUserInfoMap_t &info, std::string inputFileUtListPositions, bool checkBeam)
Creates satellite objects according to user defined scenario.
void SetMulticastRouteToSourceNetwork(Ptr< Node > source, Ptr< Node > destination)
Set multicast traffic to source's nwtwork by finding source network utilizing given destination node.
void LoadMobileUTsFromFolder(const std::string &folderName, Ptr< RandomVariableStream > utUsers)
Load UTs with a SatTracedMobilityModel associated to them from the files found in the given folder.
Ipv4Address m_utNetworkAddress
Initial network number of UT and UT users, e.g.,
uint32_t m_utUsers
Number of users created in end user network (behind every UT) in full or user-defined scenario.
Ptr< NetDevice > FindMatchingDevice(Ptr< NetDevice > devA, Ptr< Node > nodeB)
Find given device's counterpart (device belonging to same network) device from given node.
TracedCallback< std::string > m_creationDetailsTrace
Trace callback for creation traces (details)
std::map< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t >, SatBeamUserInfo > BeamUserInfoMap_t
definition for beam map key is pair sat ID / beam ID and value is UT/user info.
static const uint16_t MIN_ADDRESS_PREFIX_LENGTH
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< SatListPositionAllocator > > m_utPositionsByBeam
User defined UT positions by beam ID.
Ipv4Mask m_gwNetworkMask
Network mask number of GW, router, and GW users.
bool FindMatchingDevices(Ptr< Node > nodeA, Ptr< Node > nodeB, std::pair< Ptr< NetDevice >, Ptr< NetDevice >> &matchingDevices)
Find counterpart (device belonging to same network) devices from given nodes.
Ptr< SatBeamHelper > m_beamHelper
Beam helper.
void CreateUserDefinedScenario(BeamUserInfoMap_t &info)
Creates satellite objects according to user defined scenario.
Ptr< Node > LoadMobileUtFromFile(const std::string &filename)
Load an UT with a SatTracedMobilityModel associated to them from the given file.
void DoDispose()
Dispose of this class instance.
std::map< Ptr< NetDevice >, NetDeviceContainer > m_utsDistribution
Map indicating all UT NetDevices associated to each GW NetDevice.
std::map< uint32_t, uint32_t > m_gwSats
Map of closest satellite for each GW.
std::string m_utPosFileName
void SetMulticastGroupRoutes(Ptr< Node > source, NodeContainer receivers, Ipv4Address sourceAddress, Ipv4Address groupAddress)
Set multicast group to satellite network and IP router.
uint32_t m_gwUsers
Number of users created in public network (behind GWs) in full or user-defined scenario.
Ptr< SatBeamHelper > GetBeamHelper() const
bool m_satConstellationEnabled
Use a constellation of satellites.
void EnableDetailedCreationTraces()
Enables creation traces in sub-helpers.
Ptr< SatListPositionAllocator > m_utPositions
User defined UT positions from SatConf (or manually set)
SatArqSequenceNumber is handling the sequence numbers for the ARQ process.