32 #include <ns3/callback.h>
33 #include <ns3/object.h>
66 void Initialize(Ptr<SatLowerLayerServiceConf> llsConf, Time superFrameDuration);
179 bool isSatelliteMac);
196 Mac48Address address,
197 Ptr<SatCrMessage> message);
289 uint32_t& rcVbdcBytes);
300 uint32_t& rcVbdcBytes);
376 void Reset(uint8_t rc);
537 TracedCallback<Time, Mac48Address, Ptr<SatCrMessage>>
Definition for different types of Capacity Request (CR) messages.
SatRequestManager analyzes periodically or on-a-need-basis UT's buffer status for different RC indice...
Time m_superFrameDuration
Superframe duration used for updating the volume backlog persistence.
double m_overEstimationFactor
Over-estimation factor used for estimating a bit more resources than there are in the buffers.
SatEnums::RbdcCapacityRequestAlgorithm_t m_rbdcCapacityRequestAlgorithm
The RBDC capacity algorithm to use.
void(* CapacityRequestTraceCallback)(Time time, Mac48Address address, Ptr< SatCrMessage > message)
Callback signature for CrTrace trace source.
void(* AvbdcTraceCallback)(uint32_t requestSize)
Callback signature for AvbdcTrace trace source.
SatEnums::SatCapacityAllocationCategory_t DoVbdcLegacy(uint8_t rc, const SatQueue::QueueStats_t &stats, uint32_t &rcVbdcBytes)
Legacy algorithm to do VBDC calculation for a RC.
void Reset(uint8_t rc)
Reset RC index counters.
SendCtrlCallback m_ctrlCallback
Callback to send control messages.
PendingRbdcRequestsContainer_t m_pendingRbdcRequestsKbps
Key = RC index Value -> Key = Time when the request was sent Value -> Value = Requested bitrate or by...
void AssignedDaResources(uint8_t rcIndex, uint32_t bytes)
Sat UT MAC informs that certain amount of resources have been received in TBTP.
TracedCallback< uint32_t > m_aVbdcTrace
double m_lastSatelliteCno
The last received user link C/N0 information from lower layer in linear format.
void SetLogonMsgTxPossibleCallback(SatRequestManager::LogonMsgTxPossibleCallback cb)
Set the callback to check the possibility of sending a control message.
TracedCallback< std::string > m_crTraceLog
Trace callback used for CR tracing.
void SendLogonMessage()
Send a logon message to the gateway.
Ptr< SatLowerLayerServiceConf > m_llsConf
Lower layer services conf pointer, which holds the configurations for RCs and capacity allocation cat...
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
inherited from Object
void ReceiveQueueEvent(SatQueue::QueueEvent_t event, uint8_t rcIndex)
Receive a queue event.
void RemoveOldEntriesFromPendingRbdcContainer(uint8_t rc)
Clean-up the pending RBDC container from old samples.
void Initialize(Ptr< SatLowerLayerServiceConf > llsConf, Time superFrameDuration)
Mac48Address m_gwAddress
GW address.
uint32_t GetVbdcBytes(uint8_t rc, const SatQueue::QueueStats_t &stats)
Calculate the needed VBDC bytes for a RC.
LogonMsgTxPossibleCallback m_logonMsgTxPossibleCallback
Callback to check from MAC if a logon msg may be transmitted in the near future.
uint16_t GetQuantizedRbdcValue(uint8_t index, uint16_t reqRbdcKbps) const
The RBDC value is signalled with 8 bits, which means that to be able to signal larger than 256 values...
void UpdatePendingRbdcCounters(uint8_t rc, uint32_t kbps)
Update the pending RBDC counters with new request information.
Callback< SatQueue::QueueStats_t, bool > QueueCallback
Callback to fetch queue statistics.
void(* VbdcTraceCallback)(uint32_t requestSize)
Callback signature for VbdcTrace trace source.
SatEnums::VbdcCapacityRequestAlgorithm_t m_vbdcCapacityRequestAlgorithm
The VBDC capacity algorithm to use.
void UpdatePendingVbdcCounters()
Update pending VBDC counters for all RCs.
Ptr< SatNodeInfo > m_nodeInfo
Node information.
virtual ~SatRequestManager()
Destructor for SatRequestManager.
uint32_t GetPendingRbdcSumKbps(uint8_t rc)
Calculate the pending RBDC requests related to a specific RC.
Callback< bool > CtrlMsgTxPossibleCallback
Callback to check whether control msg transmission is possible.
void DoPeriodicalEvaluation()
Periodically check the buffer status and whether a new CR is needed to be sent.
void SetCtrlMsgTxPossibleCallback(SatRequestManager::CtrlMsgTxPossibleCallback cb)
Set the callback to check the possibility of sending a control message.
SatEnums::SatCapacityAllocationCategory_t DoVbdc(uint8_t rc, const SatQueue::QueueStats_t &stats, uint32_t &rcVbdcBytes)
Do VBDC calculation for a RC.
static const uint32_t m_rbdcScalingFactors[4]
std::vector< uint32_t > m_pendingVbdcBytes
Pending VBDC counter for each RC index.
Mac48Address m_satAddress
SAT address.
void SetNodeInfo(Ptr< SatNodeInfo > nodeInfo)
Set the node info of this UT.
virtual void DoDispose()
Dispose of this class instance.
TracedCallback< uint32_t > m_rbdcTrace
Traced callbacks for all sent RBDC and VBDC capacity requests.
void SendCnoReport()
Send the C/N0 report message via txCallback to SatNetDevice.
void(* CapacityRequestTraceLogCallback)(std::string traceLog)
Callback signature for CrLogTrace trace source.
void ResetAssignedResources()
Reset the assigned resources counter.
uint32_t GetAvbdcBytes(uint8_t rc, const SatQueue::QueueStats_t &stats)
Calculate the needed AVBDC bytes for a RC.
uint16_t GetQuantizedVbdcValue(uint8_t index, uint16_t reqVbdcBytes) const
The RBDC value is signalled with 8 bits, which means that to be able to signal larger than 256 values...
double m_gainValueK
Gain value K for the RBDC calculation.
Callback< bool, Ptr< SatControlMessage >, const Address & > SendCtrlCallback
Control message sending callback.
void DoEvaluation()
Do evaluation of the buffer status and decide whether or not to send CRs.
uint32_t DoRbdcLegacy(uint8_t rc, const SatQueue::QueueStats_t &stats)
Legacy algorithm to do RBDC calculation for a RC.
void AddQueueCallback(uint8_t rcIndex, SatRequestManager::QueueCallback cb)
Add a callback to fetch queue statistics.
EventId m_cnoReportEvent
Event id for the C/NO report.
uint32_t DoRbdc(uint8_t rc, const SatQueue::QueueStats_t &stats)
Do RBDC calculation for a RC.
static const uint32_t m_vbdcScalingFactors[4]
Time m_rttEstimate
Round trip time estimate.
TracedCallback< Time, Mac48Address, Ptr< SatCrMessage > > m_crTrace
Trace callback used for CR tracing.
std::vector< std::deque< std::pair< Time, uint32_t > > > PendingRbdcRequestsContainer_t
Container for the pending RBDC requests.
TracedCallback< uint32_t > m_vbdcTrace
std::vector< uint32_t > m_assignedDaResourcesBytes
Dedicated assignments received within the previous superframe.
Time m_lastVbdcCrSent
Time when the last CR including VBDC request was sent.
double m_lastCno
The last received on E2E C/N0 information from lower layer in linear format.
Time m_cnoReportInterval
Interval to send C/N0 report.
void(* RbdcTraceCallback)(uint32_t requestSize)
Callback signature for RbdcTrace trace source.
void SetGwAddress(Mac48Address address)
Set the GW address needed for CR transmission.
bool m_forcedAvbdcUpdate
Flag indicating that UT should send a forced AVBDC request, since the volume backlog persistence shal...
void SendCapacityRequest(Ptr< SatCrMessage > crMsg)
Send the capacity request control msg via txCallback to SatNetDevice.
Time m_evaluationInterval
Interval to do the periodical CR evaluation.
double m_headerOffsetVbcd
Additional VBDC to add to take into account E2E header in regenerative LINK or NETWORK,...
bool m_enableOnDemandEvaluation
Enable on demand / ad hoc CR evaluation.
void CheckForVolumeBacklogPersistence()
Check whether VBDC volume backlog persistence shall expire and whether UT should update request by AV...
void SetHeaderOffsetVbdc(double headerOffsetVbcd)
Update the value of header offset.
virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId(void) const
Get the type ID of instance.
CtrlMsgTxPossibleCallback m_ctrlMsgTxPossibleCallback
Callback to check from MAC if a control msg may be transmitted in the near future.
Default constructor.
void CnoUpdated(uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId, Address sourceMac, Address gwId, double cno, bool isSatelliteMac)
Update C/N0 information from lower layer.
void SetCtrlMsgCallback(SatRequestManager::SendCtrlCallback cb)
Set the control message sending callback.
CallbackContainer_t m_queueCallbacks
The queue enque/deque rate getter callback.
void SendHandoverRecommendation(uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId)
Send a handover recommendation message to the gateway.
std::map< uint8_t, QueueCallback > CallbackContainer_t
std::vector< Time > m_previousEvaluationTime
Time when CR evaluation was previously done.
Callback< bool > LogonMsgTxPossibleCallback
Callback to check whether logon msg transmission is possible.
SatArqSequenceNumber is handling the sequence numbers for the ARQ process.
QueueStats_t definition for passing queue related statistics to any interested modules.