30 #include <ns3/traced-callback.h>
31 #include <ns3/vector.h>
237 TracedCallback<double,
Base class for fading models such as Markov-based fading or fading trace.
Callback< double > VelocityCallback
Gets velocity in m/s.
Callback< double > ElevationCallback
Gets elevation angle in degrees.
Types of channel.
Possible types of Markov state faders.
Container for Markov-model.
double DoGetFading(Address macAddress, SatEnums::ChannelType_t channeltype)
Function for getting the fading.
void UpdateProbabilities(uint32_t set)
Function for updating the state change probabilities.
Time m_latestCalculationTime_up
Latest calculation time for uplink fading value.
bool m_useDecibels
Defines whether the calculations should return the fading value in decibels or not.
double m_minimumPositionChangeInMeters
Minimum state change distance in meters.
void UnlockSetAndState()
Function for unlocking the parameter set and state.
void EvaluateStateChange(SatEnums::ChannelType_t channelType)
Function for evaluating state change.
void DoDispose()
Do needed dispose actions.
uint32_t m_currentState
Current state.
double m_latestCalculatedFadingValue_down
Latest calculated downlink fading value.
Time m_latestCalculationTime_down
Latest calculation time for downlink fading value.
uint32_t m_numOfSets
Number of parameter sets available.
double GetCachedFadingValue(SatEnums::ChannelType_t channelType)
Function for getting the cached fading values.
double m_latestCalculatedFadingValue_up
Latest calculated uplink fading value.
void LockToSet(uint32_t newSet)
Function for locking the parameter set.
void RandomizeLockedSetAndState()
Function for locking the parameter set and state to random values.
Ptr< SatMarkovConf > m_markovConf
Markoc model configuration.
void(* FadingTraceCallback)(double time, SatEnums::ChannelType_t channelType, double value)
Callback for FadingTrace trace source.
TracedCallback< double, SatEnums::ChannelType_t, double > m_fadingTrace
Fading trace function.
bool m_enableSetLock
Variable for disabling the parameter set change.
uint32_t m_numOfStates
Number of states available.
double CalculateFading(SatEnums::ChannelType_t channelType)
Function for calculating the fading value.
VelocityCallback m_velocity
Node movement velocity.
void Reset()
Clear used variables.
double CalculateElevation()
Function for calculating the elevation.
double CalculateDistanceSinceLastStateChange()
Function for calculating the distance since latest state change position.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
NS-3 function for type id.
bool HasCooldownPeriodPassed(SatEnums::ChannelType_t channelType)
Function for checking whether the cooldown period has passed.
uint32_t m_currentSet
Current parameter set.
ElevationCallback m_currentElevation
Current elevation value.
bool m_enableStateLock
Variable for disabling state changes.
void RandomizeLockedState(uint32_t set)
Function for locking the state to random value.
Ptr< SatBaseFader > m_fader_up
Uplink fader.
Time m_cooldownPeriodLength
Cooldown period length in time.
Time m_latestStateChangeTime
Latest calculation time for state change.
Ptr< SatBaseFader > m_fader_down
Downlink fader.
void LockToSetAndState(uint32_t newSet, uint32_t newState)
Function for locking the parameter set and state.
void CreateFaders(SatMarkovConf::MarkovFaderType_t faderType)
Function for creating the Markov state faders.
Ptr< SatMarkovModel > m_markovModel
Markov model object.
SatArqSequenceNumber is handling the sequence numbers for the ARQ process.