27 #include <ns3/nstime.h>
28 #include <ns3/object.h>
30 #include <ns3/simple-ref-count.h>
41 class SatLinkResultsDvbS2;
69 uint32_t payloadBits);
182 typedef std::map<std::pair<SatEnums::SatModcod_t, SatEnums::SatBbFrameType_t>,
183 Ptr<SatDvbS2Waveform>>
This class implements the BB Frame configurations for DVB-S2.
SatEnums::BbFrameUsageMode_t m_bbFrameUsageMode
BBFrame usage mode.
double GetSymbolRate()
Symbol rate in baud.
uint32_t m_pilotBlockInSymbols
The size of the pilot block in symbols.
double GetBbFrameHighOccupancyThreshold() const
Get configured BB frame high occupancy threshold.
uint32_t GetBbFrameHeaderSizeInBytes() const
Get BB frame header size in bytes.
void GetModCodsList()
Get the list of ModCods from their string representation.
void DumpWaveforms() const
Dump waveform details for debugging purposes.
Default constructor.
uint32_t m_symbolsPerSlot
The size of the (data) slot in symbols.
Time CalculateBbFrameDuration(SatEnums::SatModcod_t modcod, SatEnums::SatBbFrameType_t frameType) const
Calculate the BBFrame duration in Time.
double m_targetBler
Block error rate target for the waveforms.
void InitializeCNoRequirements(Ptr< SatLinkResultsFwd > linkResults)
Initialize the C/No requirements for a given BLER target.
virtual ~SatBbFrameConf()
Destructor for SatBbFrameConf.
double m_bbFrameLowOccupancyThreshold
The BB frame low occupancy threshold in range 0 - 1.
double m_bbFrameHighOccupancyThreshold
The BB frame high occupancy threshold in range 0 - 1.
std::map< uint32_t, uint32_t > m_normalFramePayloadInSlots
SatEnums::SatModcod_t m_defaultModCodDummyFramesS2X
Default MODCOD for DVB-S2X dummy Frames.
bool m_acmEnabled
Flag to indicate whether ACM is enabled or disabled.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Get the type ID.
std::string m_defaultModCodStr
The string representation of default ModCod.
Time GetBbFrameDuration(SatEnums::SatModcod_t modcod, SatEnums::SatBbFrameType_t frameType) const
Get the BB frame frame duration.
std::vector< SatEnums::SatModcod_t > m_modCodsUsed
List of ModCods used.
bool m_bbFrameS2XPilots
Indicates if using pilots in BBFrames when DVB-S2X is chosen.
double GetBbFrameLowOccupancyThreshold() const
Get configured BB frame low occupancy threshold.
std::map< uint32_t, uint32_t > m_shortFramePayloadInSlots
std::map< std::pair< SatEnums::SatModcod_t, SatEnums::SatBbFrameType_t >, Ptr< SatDvbS2Waveform > > waveformMap_t
Define type waveformMap_t.
uint32_t m_bbFrameHeaderSizeInBytes
The BB frame header size in bytes.
uint32_t m_plHeaderInSlots
The PL header size in slots.
SatEnums::SatModcod_t GetMostRobustModcod(SatEnums::SatBbFrameType_t frameType) const
Get the most robust MODCOD with a given BB frame type.
SatEnums::SatModcod_t m_mostRobustShortFrameModcod
The most robust MODCOD for short frame.
std::string m_defaultModCodDummyFramesS2XStr
String representation of default ModCod for DVB-S2X Dummy Frames.
virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId(void) const
Get the type ID of instance.
SatEnums::DvbVersion_t GetDvbVersion()
Indicates if using DVB-S2 or DVB-S2X.
SatEnums::DvbVersion_t m_dvbVersion
Indicates if using DVB-S2 or DVB-S2X.
uint32_t m_pilotBlockIntervalInSlots
Interval of pilot block in slots.
uint32_t GetBbFramePayloadBits(SatEnums::SatModcod_t modcod, SatEnums::SatBbFrameType_t frameType) const
Get the BB frame payload in bits.
Time GetDummyBbFrameDuration() const
Get the dummy frame duration in Time.
std::vector< SatEnums::SatModcod_t > GetModCodsUsed()
Get the list of ModCods used.
SatEnums::SatModcod_t GetDefaultModCod() const
Get the default MODCOD.
uint32_t CalculateBbFramePayloadBits(SatEnums::SatModcod_t modcod, SatEnums::SatBbFrameType_t frameType) const
Calculate the BBrame higher layer payload in bits.
SatEnums::BbFrameUsageMode_t GetBbFrameUsageMode() const
Get configured BB frame usage mode.
SatEnums::SatModcod_t GetBestModcod(double cNo, SatEnums::SatBbFrameType_t frameType) const
Get the best MODCOD with a given BB frame type.
std::string m_modCodsUsedStr
String containing all DVB-S2X ModCods used.
waveformMap_t m_waveforms
Available "waveforms", i.e.
SatEnums::SatModcod_t m_defaultModCod
Default MODCOD is used.
SatEnums::SatModcod_t GetDefaultModCodDummyFramesS2X() const
Get the default MODCOD for short DVB-S2X frames.
SatEnums::SatModcod_t m_mostRobustNormalFrameModcod
The most robust MODCOD for long frame.
double m_symbolRate
Symbol rate in baud.
uint32_t m_dummyFrameInSlots
Dummy BBFrame length in slots.
BB frame type used in DVB-S2 FWD link.
Modulation scheme and coding rate for DVB-S2.
BBFrame usage modes.
The scheduling algorithm used to fill the BBFrames.
SatArqSequenceNumber is handling the sequence numbers for the ARQ process.