36 #include <ns3/random-variable-stream.h>
37 #include <ns3/traced-value.h>
69 virtual void Send(Ptr<Packet> packet);
77 virtual void DoSend(Ptr<Packet> packet);
84 virtual void SendToPhy(Ptr<Packet> packet);
265 std::list<int> enabledChannels,
302 uint8_t maxDataRate);
326 uint8_t maxDataRate);
346 double maxTxPowerDbm);
418 void SetPhyRx(Ptr<SatLoraPhyRx> phyRx);
427 void ChangeBeam(uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId);
572 std::vector<Ptr<LoraLogicalChannel>>
Shuffle(std::vector<Ptr<LoraLogicalChannel>> vector);
This class represents the device address of a LoraWAN End Device.
Class representing the MAC layer of a LoRaWAN device.
void SetDeviceAddress(LoraDeviceAddress address)
Set the network address of this device.
Time GetNextTransmissionDelay(void)
Find the minimum waiting time before the next possible transmission.
std::list< Ptr< LorawanMacCommand > > m_macCommandList
List of the MAC commands that need to be applied to the next UL packet.
uint8_t GetDataRate(void)
Get the data rate this end device is set to use.
void OnNewChannelReq(uint8_t chIndex, double frequency, uint8_t minDataRate, uint8_t maxDataRate)
Perform the actions that need to be taken when receiving a NewChannelReq command.
uint8_t GetMaxNumberOfTransmissions(void)
Set the maximum number of transmissions allowed.
bool m_enableDRAdapt
Enable Data Rate adaptation during the retransmission procedure.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
EventId m_nextTx
The event of retransmitting a packet in a consecutive moment if an ACK is not received.
virtual void FailedReception(Ptr< const Packet > packet)
Function called by lower layers to inform this layer that reception of a packet we were locked on fai...
TracedValue< double > m_txPower
The transmission power this device is using to transmit.
TracedCallback< uint8_t, bool, Time, Ptr< Packet > > m_requiredTxCallback
The trace source fired when the transmission procedure is finished.
LorawanMacHeader::MType m_mType
The message type to apply to packets sent with the Send method.
void SetSatAddress(Mac48Address satAddress)
Set address of the Lorawan GW (or its MAC) serving this UT.
void OnLinkCheckAns(uint8_t margin, uint8_t gwCnt)
Perform the actions that need to be taken when receiving a LinkCheckAns command.
Callback< void, Mac48Address > GatewayUpdateCallback
Callback to update gateway address after handover.
void SetHandoverCallback(LorawanMacEndDevice::HandoverCallback cb)
Method to set handover callback.
Callback< void, uint32_t, uint32_t > HandoverCallback
Callback to reconfigure physical layer during handover.
LorawanMacHeader::MType GetMType(void)
Get the message type to send when the Send method is called.
virtual void DoSend(Ptr< Packet > packet)
Checking if we are performing the transmission of a new packet or a retransmission,...
void SetMType(LorawanMacHeader::MType mType)
Set the message type to send when the Send method is called.
bool GetDataRateAdaptation(void)
Get if data rate adaptation is enabled or not.
TracedValue< double > m_aggregatedDutyCycle
The aggregated duty cycle this device needs to respect across all sub-bands.
virtual void postponeTransmission(Time nextTxDelay, Ptr< Packet >)
Postpone transmission to the specified time and delete previously scheduled transmissions if present.
LorawanMacEndDevice::GatewayUpdateCallback m_gatewayUpdateCallback
Gateway address update callback.
void SetRegenerative(bool isRegenerative)
Set if associated satellite is regenerative.
void SetPhyRx(Ptr< SatLoraPhyRx > phyRx)
Ptr< LoraLogicalChannel > GetChannelForTx(void)
Find a suitable channel for transmission.
Ptr< SatLoraPhyRx > m_phyRx
Reception phy layer for Lora operations.
double GetAggregatedDutyCycle(void)
Set a value for the RX1DROffset parameter.
TracedValue< double > m_lastKnownLinkMargin
The last known link margin.
Mac48Address m_gwAddress
Gateway address used in case of transparent satellite.
uint8_t m_receiveWindowDurationInSymbols
The duration of a receive window in number of symbols.
uint8_t m_maxNumbTx
Maximum number of transmission allowed.
bool m_controlDataRate
Whether this device's data rate should be controlled by the NS.
uint32_t m_raChannel
RA channel assigned to the UT.
virtual void SendToPhy(Ptr< Packet > packet)
Add headers and send a packet with the sending function of the physical layer.
uint8_t m_codingRate
The coding rate used by this device.
void SetUpdateAddressAndIdentifierCallback(LorawanMacEndDevice::UpdateAddressAndIdentifierCallback cb)
Set the callback to update addresses in statistics helpers.
Ptr< SatLoraPhyRx > GetPhyRx()
void SetDataRateAdaptation(bool adapt)
Enable data rate adaptation in the retransmitting procedure.
void OnDevStatusReq(void)
Perform the actions that need to be taken when receiving a DevStatusReq command.
Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > m_uniformRV
An uniform random variable, used by the Shuffle method to randomly reorder the channel list.
virtual void Send(Ptr< Packet > packet)
Send a packet.
void SetDataRate(uint8_t dataRate)
Set the data rate this end device will use when transmitting.
void AddLogicalChannel(double frequency)
Add a logical channel to the helper.
Callback< void, Ptr< Node > > UpdateAddressAndIdentifierCallback
Callback to update addresses in statistics helpers.
void OnLinkAdrReq(uint8_t dataRate, uint8_t txPower, std::list< int > enabledChannels, int repetitions)
Perform the actions that need to be taken when receiving a LinkAdrReq command.
void AddLorawanMacCommand(Ptr< LorawanMacCommand > macCommand)
Add a MAC command to the list of those that will be sent out in the next packet.
void AddLoraSubBand(double startFrequency, double endFrequency, double dutyCycle, double maxTxPowerDbm)
Add a subband to the logical channel helper.
void SetLogicalChannel(uint8_t chIndex, double frequency, uint8_t minDataRate, uint8_t maxDataRate)
Set a new logical channel in the helper.
void ChangeBeam(uint32_t satId, uint32_t beamId)
Method handling beam handover.
Ptr< Node > m_node
Node containing this MAC.
void SetRaChannel(uint32_t raChannel)
Set RA channel assigned for this UT.
TracedValue< uint8_t > m_dataRate
The DataRate this device is using to transmit.
LoraDeviceAddress GetDeviceAddress(void)
Get the network address of this device.
TracedValue< int > m_lastKnownGatewayCount
The last known gateway count (i.e., gateways that are in communication range with this end device)
virtual void TxFinished()
Perform the actions that are required after a packet send.
void ParseCommands(LoraFrameHeader frameHeader)
Parse and take action on the commands contained on this FrameHeader.
bool CheckHandovers()
Check for UT handovers and perform it if necessary.
void SetGwAddress(Mac48Address gwAddress)
Set address of the GW (or its MAC) serving this UT.
std::vector< Ptr< LoraLogicalChannel > > Shuffle(std::vector< Ptr< LoraLogicalChannel >> vector)
Randomly shuffle a Ptr<LoraLogicalChannel> vector.
virtual void resetRetransmissionParameters()
Reset retransmission parameters contained in the structure LoraRetxParams.
virtual uint8_t GetTransmissionPower(void)
Get the transmission power this end device is set to use.
bool m_isRegenerative
Tell if satellite is regenerative.
bool m_headerDisabled
Whether or not the header is disabled for communications by this device.
void SetGatewayUpdateCallback(LorawanMacEndDevice::GatewayUpdateCallback cb)
Method to set the gateway address update callback.
LoraDeviceAddress m_address
The address of this device.
LorawanMacEndDevice::UpdateAddressAndIdentifierCallback m_updateAddressAndIdentifierCallback
Callback to update addresses in statistics helpers.
struct LoraRetxParameters m_retxParams
void ApplyNecessaryOptions(LoraFrameHeader &frameHeader)
Add the necessary options and MAC commands to the LoraFrameHeader.
virtual void Receive(Ptr< Packet > packet)=0
Receive a packet.
virtual void OnRxClassParamSetupReq(Ptr< RxParamSetupReq > rxParamSetupReq)
Perform the actions that need to be taken when receiving a RxParamSetupReq command based on the Devic...
virtual Time GetNextClassTransmissionDelay(Time waitingTime)
Find the minimum waiting time before the next possible transmission based on End Device's Class Type.
void OnDutyCycleReq(double dutyCycle)
Perform the actions that need to be taken when receiving a DutyCycleReq command.
void OnRxParamSetupReq(Ptr< RxParamSetupReq > rxParamSetupReq)
Perform the actions that need to be taken when receiving a RxParamSetupReq command.
EventId m_nextRetx
The event of transmitting a packet in a consecutive moment, when the duty cycle let us transmit.
virtual ~LorawanMacEndDevice()
LorawanMacEndDevice::HandoverCallback m_handoverCallback
The physical layer handover callback.
void SetMaxNumberOfTransmissions(uint8_t maxNumbTx)
Set the maximum number of transmissions allowed.
Class representing the LoRaWAN MAC layer.
SatSignalParameters::PacketsInBurst_t PacketContainer_t
Define PacketContainer in SatPhy.
SatArqSequenceNumber is handling the sequence numbers for the ARQ process.
Structure representing the parameters that will be used in the retransmission procedure.