28 #include <ns3/nstime.h>
199 void SetDate(uint32_t days, uint32_t ms_day);
318 static Time
Dut1(uint32_t daysInPosix);
Class to handle Julian days and provide respective Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP).
static bool IsLeapYear(uint32_t year)
Check if it is a leap year.
Default constructor.
double GetGmst(void) const
Retrieve the Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time.
static const Time TaiToGps
offset from TAI to GPST
void SetDate(double jd)
Set the Julian days.
uint32_t m_days
full days since epoch.
double GetDouble(TimeSystem ts=DateTime::UTC) const
GetDouble Get the Julian days.
bool operator>(const JulianDate &jd) const
operator > (compare Julian dates).
bool operator==(const JulianDate &jd) const
operator == (compare Julian dates).
JulianDate operator-(const Time &t) const
operator - (negative time adjustment).
JulianDate operator+(const Time &t) const
operator + (positive time adjustment).
Time OffsetFromUtc(void) const
Returns the offset from UTC.
TimeSystem m_time_scale
external time system.
static const uint32_t PosixYear
POSIX/Unix epoch year.
static const uint32_t DayToMs
milliseconds in a day
static const uint32_t MinYear
Minimum year supported.
Time OffsetToUtc(void) const
Returns the offset to UTC.
static Time TaiMinusUtc(uint32_t daysInPosix)
The difference between TAI and UTC time systems.
static const Time TtToTai
offset from TT to TAI
static const double PosixEpoch
1 Jan 1970, 0h
uint32_t m_ms_day
milliseconds of the day.
static const uint32_t HourToMs
milliseconds in an hour
std::string ToString(void) const
Get the string representation of the Gregorian calendar date.
DateTime GetDateTime(void) const
Get the Gregorian calendar date in current time system.
bool operator<(const JulianDate &jd) const
operator < (compare Julian dates).
double GetOmegaEarth(void) const
Retrieve Earth's angular velocity.
bool operator!=(const JulianDate &jd) const
operator != (compare Julian dates).
static Time Dut1(uint32_t daysInPosix)
Retrieve the DUT1 (UT1 - UTC) value for a given day.
DateTime::TimeSystem TimeSystem
equivalent to C++11 using TimeSystem = DateTime::TimeSystem.
std::pair< double, double > GetPolarMotion(void) const
Retrieve the polar motion cofficients measured/predicted.
DateTime GregorianDate(void) const
Convert into Gregorian calendar.
bool operator<=(const JulianDate &jd) const
operator <= (compare Julian dates).
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const JulianDate &jd)
operator << (print as GregorianDate).
bool operator>=(const JulianDate &jd) const
operator >= (compare Julian dates).
void operator+=(const Time &t)
operator += (positive time adjustment).
static const uint32_t J2000Epoch
1 Jan 2000, 12h
void operator-=(const Time &t)
operator -= (negative time adjustment).
static const uint32_t Posix1992
1 Jan 1992 (POSIX days)
static const uint32_t MaxYear
Maximum year supported.
SatArqSequenceNumber is handling the sequence numbers for the ARQ process.
Coordinated Universal Time [French: Temps Universel Coordonné].
International Atomic Time [French: Temps Atomique International].
Global Positioning System (GPS) Time.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, DateTime::TimeSystem ts)